Alburn (Fanon!Alburn)



5 months, 16 days ago


The Fanon variant of Alburn is very similar to his Fanon Counterpart. He is a former guardian and battle trainer that resides in Avalon, she is the mother of the Twin duo Arthis and Marthra, and the husband of Vulixia Demir.

-=General Info=-
Name: Alburn Demir
Pronunciation: Al-burn Dem-eer
Nicknames: Pa, Dad, Papa Demir
Age: 44
Creation Date: May 5th
Birthplace: Ellos (Sollah)
  Race: Sorian
      Ethnicity: Avalonian
Species: Sollan (Stick figure)
Gender: Female
Height: 6'1

Current residence: Avalon (Ellos)
Occupation: Avalon Guardian Trainer
Relationship status: Married
Social status: A respected retired guardian, known as the one-man fortress.

-=Distinguishing features=-
Alburn is a tall, dark grey stick figure with a muscular build and a mild purple hue. He has spikey dark hair with two tufts hanging over his shoulders. He wears a large dark purple vest that's buckled at his waist and goes down to his feet. He also wears gloves.

After the events of the rest storm, he received several major injuries, his whole right body was burnt. Currently, he wears protective bandaging on his arms and legs, and the right side of his face can also be seen with burn scars.

Alburn is a brave, noble, and stock individual, almost the near opposite of his wife, While he can come off as demanding and stern he's very relaxed and fun to be around. He can be a bit on the simple side, but he's honest and always means well.

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Sollan Adaptation
 Like most sollans, she's tuned to the power of light and can manipulate it in the form of Sol. Vulixia used her skill set to create an adaptation that would enhance her blacksmith capabilities. 

Adaptation: Valiant Phalanx
Category: Fabrication

Alburn casts metallic plates that float behind him in a circular motion. Whenever these plates are active they provide the wielder metallic durability and strength, their weight increases drastically and makes them harder to move and manipulate. Alburn can also transfer these plates to others of his choice, buffing them with his metallic defenses. 

Defensive Integrity
Defensive prowess of the ability is measured by the amount of plates that are attached and concentrated on an individual. The more these plates are spread thin, the less effective the defensive buff is.

Vulixia- Alburn's wife
Marthra And Arthis- His pride and joy, Vulixia will go to the ends of the earth to protect her two kids. Even teaching them how to defend themselves and properly form an adaptation. And despite being sad that her chicks left the nest. She is extremely proud of who they've become.
Syndah and Maron- The Terasu family is of close relation to the Demir family, they are considered honorary Demirs of the Demir clan after Noah died. Even considering Marron as his "Godsister" and Syndah as his "Goddaughter." And will do anything to take care of the two.

Noah- Alburn's Best friend.


-=Other Details=-