


2 years, 9 months ago


Blizzard - Dachi Miura - Cover by Megami33
I burn Remix - RWBY Volume 1 OST
Battle Against a True Hero [Undertale Fanvocal]
4. Lunastra - Empress of Flames

Marthra is an unsound gladiator and leader of the Syndicate Novateam. She is a member of Ellos' Demir Clan and one of the main protagonists of Syamo, along with Arthis and Syndah. She works to fight for what is good and protect Sollah from the Legion of Xarrons as both sides fight a war between light and darkness.

-=General Info=-
Name: Marthra Demir
Pronunciation: Mar-thra Dem-eer
Nicknames: Sis (By Arthis), Metalhead, Metal Brat
Age: 19
Birthday: November 16th
Birthplace: Ellos (Sollah)
Species: Sollan (Celestus Sollus)
    Race: Sorian
        Ethnicity: Avalonian
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7

Current residence: Setteliah
Occupation: Solaris Gladiator
Relationship status: Single
Social status: One half of the twin dynamic, two idiots who are valuable as friends yet incredibly simple.

-=Distinguishing features=-
Marthra is an average-sized, grey stick figure with long spikey hair with two points that jet upwards. She has a light grey face with bright blue eyes and a streak of hair that covers a large portion of her right eye. Marthra also wears a red vest with yellow accents, a red sash with yellow diamonds at the end, and red boots with silver metal straps.

When she activates her adaptation. Her skin and hair turn to a red hue while red highlights can be seen around the edges of her eyes. her iris also receives a faint glow while her arms get covered in a dark burgundy sheet of metal.

Likes: Food, Socializing, Games
Dislikes: Being insulted, strength challenged
Fears: Losing people, not being strong enough
Hobbies/past times: Smithing, Fighting/Sparring, strategizing
Guilty pleasures: Eating, Sunbathing, Starting at Horizons, napping
Pet Peeves: Arthis' heckles
Personal goals: To fight for Sollah
Religious values: Syamo
General intelligence: Average (Simple Minded)
General sociability: Above-Average

Marthra is a noble and strong-spirited girl who shows loyalty to her friends and family. She's compassionate and friendly to people outside her circle but can easily become hostile when provoked.  Marthra has a strong desire for battle and competition, often to the annoyance of other people. She's tenacious and reckless, but very caring to those in need. 

Marthra is good at decision-making and leadership, she gives off an aura that allows people to rely on her. Despite this, Marthra is a tomboy with a high temper and can come off as scary to a lot of people. Despite her problem-solving, her solutions can seem very straightforward, simple, and somewhat idiotic. Like her brother, Marthra can be seen as having more lax and simple-minded tendencies which a lot of people might deem her as a bit "Naive."

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Sollan Adaptation
 Like most sollans, she turned to the power of light and can manipulate it in the form of Sol. Marthra took much inspiration from her mom and her bias for creating weapons to make a high offensive fabrication technique that can be used for both combat and forging.

Adaptation: Forge 
Category: Fabrication
Marthra can produce a metal alloy known as Demirum-M and weld it to create weapons. Her plethora of weaponry ranges from small heated daggers she can throw at enemies to a large two-handed axe used for large and powerful attacks. Demiruim-M is durable but also extremely conductible, able to absorb and release large amounts of heat which she ties into with the amount of heat generated from casting the ability.

A flexible and strong metallic alloy capable of being forged into very sharp and pristine weapons. The metal is a very strong conductor of energy and heat and makes a very good source of energy utilization. Many warriors acquire this metal as a good conductor for their weapons or as an excellent tip for it. 

Heat Tolerance
The large amount of heat generated from Marthra's Forge ability has allowed her to grow a tolerance for the heat. Able to withstand extremely hot temperatures for a time.

Base Strength
Marthra at the base is naturally strong, able to wield a large metal greatsword nearly 4 times her size.

Metal Consumption
The metal used in Marthra's Forge ability comes from her own body's metal deposits. If she uses too much then she will lose the ability to take in oxygen.
Marthra cannot swim as her weight tugs her down. If splashed on while conjuring a weapon. The rapid cooling of his armor will instantly immobilize her hands.

Arthis - Marthra's twin brother and the shield to Marthra's spear. Both are nearly inseparable as Marthra cherishes the well-being and opinions of her brother. Despite this, they'll often have sibling bickering on whether offense or defense is better; lowering the IQ level between them as they do so. Arthis keeps her in check while she does the same, they rely on each other to keep one another safe and secure.
Vulixia - Marthra's mother, Marthra is like a spitting image of Vulixia's younger self. She admires her mom and wishes to have the same fiery outlook on the world. Taking everything about her mother's more "abrasive" style in smithing. One could say a bit too far when looking at her abilities and her forging preferences. 
Alburn- Marthra's father, admired at a young age. Marthra always palled around with her dad which helped grow her more rugged personality.

Syndah- Syndah always felt like the sister Marthra never had, growing up as close as they did they might as well be. Syndah provided that feminine spark that marthra lacked from her actual family, her strong spirit and kindhearted nature helped Marthra have a more  
Maron- Marthra's godmother; while Maron often tries to push Marthra's feminine side, Marthra often accepts it with a grain of salt.
Noah- TBA
Pumpkin- Martha's platoon partner alongside Arthis
Azula- TBA

Ash- Marthra saw the strength in Ash that she saw she lacked. Every time Ash interacted with Marthra, Marthra gained knowledge in being an excellent fighter, leadership, and syndicate development skills. Thanks to Ash, Marthra came up with the idea along with Arthis and Syndah to create Novateam.

Novateam- TBA

Luma- Marthra trusts Luma's problem-solving and strategic tinkering skills, while annoyed at how shy Luma is. She's at least ok with it as long as Luma is not a liability.
Ivan- Marthra often gets annoyed at Ivan's ideas and outrageous behaviors, this is often turned upside down when Ivan's strategies work better than Luma's. Things like this are why Marthra trusts the idiot despite his reckless and spontaneous behavior.
Rozah- While originally Marthra was unsure how Rozah would fit the syndicate. Rozah pulls her own in the rescue and support category, gaining Marthra's respect and value to the team.
Lucy- Marthra can often get jealous of Lucy's more feminine features despite Lucy sharing similar wavelengths. Creators and masters of weapon combat.
Soren- Marthra is often frustrated and often gets angry at Soren's stern and passive-aggressive behavior. She does not hesitate to lash out at Soren who serves as a person who challenges her leadership.
Neo- Neo's seniority is something Marthra admires, she often looks to him for casual counseling and serious conversations. 

Equinox- TBA

Tarmiah- TBA

Stellar Centauri- TBA

Violet- TBA

Force Squad Delta- TBA

Anne-Yuri- Martha and Yuri fight intense battles every time they clash. A weapons master vs an elemental master, both fight for the will of their planet. 

Canon History

-=Other Details=-
- Marthra is the spiritual successor to Marthra of the same name from Theocomix's childhood comic book series, "Foilkid." 
- In the Foilkid series, Arthis and Marthra were not twins, they were not even related. Marthra originally served as a recurring nemesis of Foilkid.
- Marthra is technically a 10-year-old character, created back in 2011. Back the
- Marthra is the older twin.