





 Fanchild to Ozzie and Fizz! mostly rooster with some imp!

AU Character! Obviously! 

Literal Queen 👏♥️

Despite technically being the heir to Lust similarly to her dads she is actually pretty soft and sweet, having grown up spoilt but well meaning and happy. Can she be lustful as all hell? Yes. But is that her whole personality? Fuck no- if anything similarly her parents it’s more of a public front than anything.

I like to imagine Fizz n’ Ozzie were super supportive when Tammy came out: with Ozzie being of course worried for his lil baby chick but Fizz and Tammy comforting him, Tammy expressing just how much more comfortable and happy she is with her new identity and more feminine physique. 

In her rule I’d like to imagine her as being extremely open minded especially when it comes to Lust- and her being body positive. She might even get an eventual date aswell 👀..

Tammy herself is like Ozzie pretty damn tall though she can of course shrink to a much more ‘manageable’ form.