Tammy's Comments

Heyo!! So sorry to bother you but are you perhaps accepting offers for this bab at all? :3 I adore her concept 💖

Hello! And you are not bothering me at all so no worries! And yes! I really love her but I feel like I might have impulsive bought her a bit hhh so feel free to make an offer ^^

I can offer any one of these babs who are up for sale on my th! :3 I can also offer some non up for sale characters too! Lemme know if you wanna see those too

Here are the ones for sale!




I can also offer some art to go along with it! 💖 

Sadly I don't see me using any of these hh

Feel free to show me the other ocs tho!

I can offer $50!

i could potentially do that! Please send the $50 tooo- [email protected]

The money’s going to another artist here on toyhouse for somethin I wanna get :> so I’d just need confirmation from you once you’ve sent the money and then ill just double check with said artist as soon as I can and once it’s confirmed your payment has gone through I’ll send Tammy on over :) 

The only rules / things I ask are highlighted in bold above my general TOS in ownership :D

Alrighty!! Payment has been sent over to them! Thank you so much I absolutely adore this gal so much hhh and I have read your TOS and I completely agree with it and shall respect it completely!! ^^

Ah I love her!!!Cant wait to make my ocs and I’m still interested in Fallhound just haven’t been able to put money on PayPal yet UwU

Ah tysm! 

And that’s fine! Please lemme know when you’ve managed to add the money and dm me your PayPal! The moneys going to a good friend of mines PPal named Ravenmoth- they’re having issues atm where directly sending money to them isn’t working but if they send a request via me linking them a users PayPal email and telling em the amount of the adopt to request for money wise it w i l l work- its odd sounding i know but PayPal is PayPal what can you do :,> 

Basically there’s seemingly an issue on Paypals end that’ll hopefully be resolved soon!
B u t if you manage to get your money and it’s not resolved by then- just DM me your PayPal email and after that you should receive a payment request from Raven for the owed adopt amount :] 


Pssssst: maybe Tammy and Ouro can be friends?  ( ͒•·̫|┬┴┬┴┤