


8 months, 27 days ago



  • Name RINI
  • Nickname RINI
  • Age ?
  • Gender F
  • Pronouns SHE/HER
  • Sexuality ?
  • Faction ?
  • Occupation MAGICAL GIRL
  • Residence ?

At first glance, Rini is kind and responsible, the definition of a true magical girl. However, as you get to know her better, as I have over the six months we have spent together, you start to see this cool and confident façade slip. It's a wonder how she has 'fooled' us for this long!

As of the time I'm writing this, I'd say that I still don't know her very well. If it weren't for my superb observation skills, even I would find her as some sort of genetically engineered 'perfect' magical girl (if she really were as cool as she seems, the rest of us would have a loooong way to catch up!)

After all this time operating with her, I believe myself able to judge her abilities and personality rather accurately, hence me writing this whole fact file on her: we have been friends for soooo long now! Let me begin -- Rini is... really elusive! Ugh! It annoys me so much!!! I am not that easily deterred, though, and can tell you that she is in fact a really good person! Underneath her cool demeanor, she is ultra-cute! Rini loves animals of all sorts, especially rabbits, and absolutely cannot say "no" to children's demands! Never put Rini on babysitting duty -- she is too much of a pushover!


  • Rabbits
  • Guns
  • Being useful


  • Jumpscares
  • Melee combat
  • Last-minute changes


  • Aim practice
  • Bullet journaling
  • FPS games


  • Compassionate
  • Responsible
  • Accountable


  • Panics easily
  • Relies on plans
  • Bad with animals


  • Sewing
  • Handling long-ranged weaponry
  • Communication!


I personally am not knowledgable about her life before the... event (you'd have to ask [####] about that); all I know is that [####] brought her into the camp one day, declared her part of the group, and that's that. For what comes before, I have no clue!

A normal journalist would just stop there, but when was I ever a 'normal'journalist? Obviously I have my own theories about the other girls! Being operations manager is soooo boring, sitting in front of the communications devices in camp, all I can do to pass the time is speculate! I hope Rini never lays hands on this...

Y'know that keychain she has? The one on carabiner on her belt loop? Well, that's a relic from before the disaster! Amazing how it's still in peak condition, right? My personal theory is that it was a prized possession from a close friend (or perhaps... more than just friend?), which explains her always keeping it clean, and having it with her at all times! I've only seen her take it off when sleeping and I wouldn't say I've snooped around in her room, but as soon as she takes it off, it seems to vanish without a trace! Suuuuper creepy, right? Definitely something I need to investigate further.


  • Keeps bullet magazines in her rabbit bag
  • Her birthday is on October 8th
  • Favourite cake is lemon cheesecake
  • Has a tattoo!


  • Relationship Best buds!

I'd say that we are pretty close!

  • Relationship ?

Seems to know each other from before the disaster. I wonder what sort of secrets they're hiding...


  • Relationship ?

Seems to dislike.