Jessica Lauren



8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Jessica Lauren


Jess, Squirt




June 11










Bisexual (fem lean)




Can command electricity



Physical Description

Jessica is tall and slender and has greasy, straight brown hair. She has no notable body shape and a flat chest. She's almost always frowning, and constantly looks irritated. Her eyes are a dark green. She dresses very casually; her main outfit consists of a plain T-shirt and jeans. She wears a pair of clunky, oversized gloves that she refuses to take off. Yes, she showers with them.


Jessica is exactly as her appearance suggests: reserved, irritable, and aggressive in every way, shape and form. She's incredibly direct and won't hesitate to let people know how she feels--angry, about 99.9% of the time. She's rude, vulgar, and violent. Aside from being overly aggressive, she's fairly lazy and won't do anything she doesn't want to do--at least, not without a fight. She hates physical contact and will only tolerate it with close friends and family.

While she does experience softer feelings and desires like anyone else, she naturally avoids them and often feigns discomfort in the presence of affection from those she cares about. She views softer behaviors as a weakness and strives to be both powerful and intimidating.


At some point during her early childhood, Jessica suffered from a severe electric shock and was hospitalized for some time. Upon her recovery, she discovered that she had acquired the ability to command electricity. This new "power" guided her through her early teenage years, especially in making her the most annoying little shit known to man.

Her early adolescence was riddled with all sorts of drama and unusual encounters, including her discovery of parallel dimensions; through exploring unexplained portals, she discovered alternate versions of herself that she began taking pride in bringing back home with her, resulting in an awfully disturbing amount of free-roaming Jessicas in her own dimension. Despite the concerning nature of this reality, she was able to make some genuine, lifelong friends from this regardless of her aggressive disposition and obnoxious overuse of her powers. 

Alongside this, she encountered her first love, though his eventual disappearance caused her to withdraw and become increasingly avoidant of future social interaction and relationships.


⚡ She doesn't shower as often as she should.

⚡ She's very flexible and agile. She can even do the splits.

⚡ Her laugh is loud and kind of frightening.

⚡ Boxing is a side hobby of hers.

⚡ Electricity practically runs through her veins, and she can access it at any time. Due to spending so many years honing this ability, she's incredibly good at handling it and uses it frequently.

⚡ When it comes to her powers, she is a complete and utter showoff.

⚡ Her gloves can be considered both contradictory and somewhat of a mystery; while they reduce the risk of her accidentally administering electric shocks to other people through her hands, they simultaneously pack a serious punch and serve to increase her strength and overall danger level. It's also unknown as to how she acquired them in the first place or through who, and she won't tell.

⚡ She views love as a weakness and as something she should avoid, and will travel to the ends of the Earth before she has to admit aloud that she loves someone. If it comes down to it, the most she will say is "the feeling is mutual" in response to somebody telling her they love her. The only exception is her mother.

⚡ While she hates interacting with others, she will take literally any opportunity to engage in a physical fight with someone, even if her target is undeserving or far below her in strength. She doesn't care, she absolutely loves beating the shit out of people.

⚡ She's a great dancer, but nobody would ever know.

⚡ Because she's completely flat-chested, she harbors no real discomfort being shirtless and has probably given many people a scare by ripping her clothes off in front of them. There's nothing to hide, so she couldn't give a shit.

⚡ She's jealous of people being taller and more intimidating than her.

⚡ Due to her stupidly circular head shape and ginormous mouth, she can, as I like to say, go "full Pac-man".