The CJ Leigh



8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Juliet Leigh


The CJ, Chess, Julie, Seej


??? (Adult)


June 11














Telekinesis, immortality, possession, minor healing


Physical Description

The CJ is short and has straight, blonde hair. She's slightly chubby and dresses casually; her main outfit consists of a jacket and jeans.


The CJ is overly caring and empathetic; she has a strong sense of justice and believes it is her duty to protect others. Despite her small stature, she can come off as mysterious and intimidating due to her vast knowledge and wisdom. She's hardworking and often serious, but can revert to nothing short of a sarcastic asshole when the situation calls for it.

The CJ typically comes off as friendly and warm to those who encounter her. She could be considered sophisticated, but outwardly humble in this regard, and she generally treats those around her with polite respect. While she's well-intentioned, she inwardly has a high sense of self-importance resulting from her desire for fair treatment, her own knowledge and experience, and her ability to perceive what is "correct" regarding the world's natural order. She believes she has the right to deliver punishment when individuals fail to live up to her expectations or cause harm to someone close to her, and she will go so far as to reject proper morals and values to enact what is essentially revenge. Her wrath can be rather damaging and downright cruel depending on the circumstances.


The CJ was born and raised in a unique dimension where telekinesis is a normal and common trait, with the only clear distinction among individuals harboring it being the “color” of their powers. When she was born with the ability to produce both colors, as well as a previously unseen third, she was immediately perceived as a threat and treated as such. Her parents attempted to conceal her differences, but this became increasingly difficult as The CJ discovered that combining the two “colors” could, in fact, produce new ones entirely, and she began experimenting with her abilities to the horrified dismay of many. 

Her adolescence was considerably rough as a result of bullying, isolation, and an abusive relationship. These elements combined with the temperamental nature of being a hormonal teenager eventually caused a massive breakdown and outburst that resulted in The CJ tapping into the third “color” she had been born with—what was quickly discovered to be a completely separate ability to possess other living organisms. Fueled by wrath and upset, mass carnage was inflicted upon the girl’s hometown as she allowed this new power to guide her behaviors, and when she had finally managed to settle down, it was like she’d accidentally created a post-apocalyptic setting from a zombie film. Regretful and confused, she allowed herself a swift exile and moved to live on the outskirts of the city with her aunt, Alicia. 

As the years flew by, it became apparent that The CJ was not aging, at least not physically. Becoming increasingly more confused and distraught by the nature of her powers, she eventually made the decision to venture far outside the city in search of answers, ultimately saying goodbye to her cherished aunt for the last time. Excessive wandering and questioning led her to a government facility that contained an unidentified creature of unknown origin and destructive ability. Having discovered that said creature was considered incredibly dangerous for its power to possess others, The CJ believed there might be a link between them, and used her own powers to break into the facility to speak with it. Confronted by the creature known only as Trillian, it was quickly revealed that the two had a brief and previously forgotten history; prior to being captured and isolated, Trillian had inhabited a hospital nursery and possessed newborn infants to evade suspicion. In the process, he had possessed The CJ, seemingly leaving something behind without either party knowing. 

Empathizing with the outcast monster, The CJ made the impulsive and reckless decision to free him. Following their violent escape, they wandered the dimension together, deriving much-needed comfort and solace from each other’s company and eventually developing a romantic partnership. After what felt like centuries of this lifestyle, the two stumbled upon a seemingly random portal to another dimension, through which lied a far more pleasant and inviting atmosphere that was Jessica’s hometown. 

As they began to adjust to a new and welcoming environment, The CJ managed to come into contact with the middle-schooler Jessica, and the revelation that the two were interdimensional variations of one another caused something within The CJ to shift. Recognizing herself as the older and wiser of the two, she began to believe that Jessica’s protection and guidance was the real reason she had been born, and her sole purpose for living past the age of a normal human being. 


-While she does have a strong sense of justice, she actually prioritizes things going as planned over fair and equal treatment, and has used her influence to control others and engage in plays of favoritism. She believes heavily in fate and appears to somehow has a sense of what is "supposed to happen" regarding this, prompting her to step in when things seem like they might be going in the wrong direction.

-She's over 500 years old.

-She can grant immortality to others.

-She accidentally immortalized herself when she was younger.

-She rarely uses her ability to possess others.

-She generally stays up late and wakes up early, so she doesn't get nearly enough sleep.