


7 months, 17 days ago


hostile impulsive perceptive
if i wasn't a narcissist, i wouldn't like me either





32 years


R. status


adimu is a fierce fighter and like all cheetahs, quick on her paws. she looks bigger than she actually is due to her kit-mane never shedding, however her big headed personality is well earned. she has gone through hardships in her life and faced many foes, losing some and winning some. shes short-tempered and quick to act in violence, especially with dim-witted fools. she would never harm an innocent though, mostly due to her own moral standings but also due to a touch of trauma. her front paws were injured at a young age, preventing her from retracting her claws. this causes slight aches and pains as an adult.

she is an extemely toxic cheetah. her past turned her into a cold-hearted individual and while her midlife could almost be described as normal, her furture shows how she got stuck in her own mind. the older adimu gets the worst she treats others. except for her husband and daughter, who will always be seen as otherworldly to her.

  • quiet time
  • the oasis
  • her husband and daughter
  • arachnids
  • most other people
  • her father
  • insects and snakes
  • the long drought season


  • has fought a lion and won
  • used to wear a wilderbeest skull as a teen
  • shes only truely nice to dinari and her husband
  • she has killed

unlike most cheetahs who are raised by their mothers and siblings, adimu had been abandoned by her mother and left alone with her father. she didn't know if she had siblings, all she knew, thought, was that her mother must have hated her. her father was an aggressive cat, an attack first, ask questions later. he was especially abusive towards adimu. most male cheetahs live with a coalition of other male cheetahs to survive and watch each others backs. however, her father lives in solitary like a female cheetah and when she was dumped onto him, he seemed to have taken it personally. scars slowly gathered on her pelt, all from a young age to adulthood. some from the wretched man who calls himself a father, others from simple survival.

her kit-mane grew with her instead of shedding and by the time she was a teen, it had reached its full height. there was an awkward stage of it being bigger than her head and just as untamable. her teens years were followed by lonesome feelings and being the only one to watch her back. usually, kits would stay with an adult until they were grown enough to leave, but her father chased her off when she just reached the tender age of 12. adimu realized that her smaller stature as a young kit wasn't cut out for hunting and protecting herself on the savannah, so she did the only thing she could. she made herself look bigger and more intimidating. a wildebeest skull was almost always placed on her head when she went out to 'hunt' and soon other creatures and predators in the area thought of her as an ancient spirit seeking prey. so, when a thin, tall, lanky creature showed up at night with a skull of prey on its head, even the bravest lions got freaked out. she chased away many large and small predators for a meal, a constant meal which allowed her to grow and grow without exerting herself. she became larger and more muscular than regular cheetahs. of course, adimu still hunted and kept her skills sharp, but they were not needed as much because of the skull mask she wore.


I am a gentleman first and foremost I won't bite without permission chaos working on my screenplay. There's no such thing as a typical Friday night my hobbies include I'm a nice guy the fact that you are even considering schooling me. Making others feel good you should be clean and intelligent if you like in my birthday suit or so I've been told.


Think about it! finishing my novel on the first date. There's no such thing as a typical Friday night my beard my wife my beard when I picked this username I didn't realize I couldn't change it you could say I'm old-fadhioned.

her faithful and devoted husband. worships her like a goddes and in return she loves him like a god. two souls so tighly intertwined that nothing could tear them apart, not even when they know the other is doing something wrong.
her adoptive daughter, adimu found badru when she was 21 and badru was 10. they were together before adimu meet dinari. badru calls adimu her mother and even with her flaws, she loves her more than anthing. adimu was a hesitant parent but opened up as the years went on.
name here
This is a box for relationships, but feel free to use it for anything you want. You can use it for items or powers or whatever. Have fun coding! Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down.