


5 years, 10 months ago


Neriah Struggling with humanity

Name Neriah
Age Unknown
Gender ???
Pronouns any
Race Human now
Height 5' 8"
Build Lean and Tall
Enneagram 4w3
Goal Get her magic and body back
Alignment True neutral

Something stirs within me- I have heard tales and songs of grief and sorrow, happiness and love, feelings I never truly understood. Is this what they meant, this turmoil I can't pin down, writhing for release?

Neriah began her life many years ago, her age unknown though she does appear young. Born one of four dragons, when they came of age they split to find their own home- her brothers flying to the mountains and deserts of the north and west, raring for a challenge. Her quite sister drifting to teh seas of the south, more at home in the water than any dragon she knew. As for Neriah, she drifted to the forests to the east, hopeful that she could mark her place in the world an live comfortably. Alas it was not to be, and a threat rose to all dragonkind. A new evil, a human sorcerer, was stealing the magic of dragons for his own power, and her brethren were being wiped out one by one. She would have passed as well, into nothingness, if it wasn't for the intervention of her human friend Maysa, and now she is on a journey to find her magic once again.


  • blunt
  • curious
  • honest
  • suspicious
  • quick-tempered
  • brave

Neriah, particularly in her human form, can be a bit blunt and to the point. She hasn't had a lot of practice with human emotions, as dragons process them much differently, and she may come off as uncaring or even cruel simply because she does not understand. But she want's to learn, and if explained she will do her best to, even if she doesn't understand why, try to fit into the social cues to help. And that does not mean she does not care, and particularly there is something growing with her relationship with Maysa. They had had a growing friendship even while she was in dragon form, but now, traveling together- maybe there is something more.


Born a dragon, Neriah's early life was typical of the dragons of the realm- taught to be cautious of humans, she mostly avoided them and spent her days establishing her home in the depths of a great tree in a forest. However, she was curious, and had a penchant for nicking books and scrolls from passing wagons, and was eventually caught by the human Maysa as she perused her collection of magic scrolls Neriah found in her cottage. Luckily for them both, Maysa was as curious about Neriah as Neriah was of her and her collection, and they began to share their knowledge with each other. Maysa would show Neriah everything from magic spells to the farmwork she did everyday (it took Neriah awhile to understand that sheep were good for more than meat), while Neriah would share her hunting and fire skills, as well as write out tales of dragon history as best she could. But the dragon-killing sorcerer found her. Neriah hid as Maysa denied a nearby dragon, but Neriah could not stand by as the sorcerer set a magic flame to her friend's home, trapping her inside. She rushed to save her, and faced the sorcerer, but she was no match for the wealth of power the sorcerer had already accumulated, and fell before him, her magic ripped away. Without her magic, her body turned in on itself, and if it hadn't been for Maysa intervening and turning her human, she would not have survived.

Skills & Abilities

Even in human form, her fingers are quick

Knife skills
She's been practicing with the small blades

Dragon Magic
From before,camouflage and fire were her specialties

Photographic Memory
She has a good memory of especially visual things like maps and paintings
























"This world in which I have been transformed, it is new and frightening. My wings are clipped and no more- my claws dulled, my fire quenched. Now to make do with but teeth of metal and reliant on others? It is not something I am accustomed is difficult. Maysa is a blessing, coming with me when she has already done so much, saving my very life. But what can I really do when I reach him, this evil that has destroyed so many of my people already? What can I do in this weak form that I could not accomplish when I was of feathers and scales, a beast of fire and rage. But I must- if no one else will, then I shall."


  • Neriah believes all of her magic is gone, but there is a small spark, the reason she did not die immediately
  • Neriah's brothers have already fallen victim to the sorcerer
  • Her sister, though, remains hidden, deep in the sea
  • She may not fully understand it yet, but her feelings for Maysa will continue to grow, and she may have to make a choice



friend??maybe more


traveling companion


Enemy(image currently placeholder)
