


8 months, 28 days ago



LVL. 61



Species: Hatterene + Nihilego


Height: 6'11'' (210 cm)

Birth Gender: Female


Gender: Female

Pronouns: They/she

Nature: Relaxed

Team: Twilight


Basic Info

My, my. You look delicious!


The “Motherly Figure” of Team Twilight. Usually looking very cold & brutal towards those she does not like. However, as a prominent member of Team Twilight, it is a piece of cake for Lilith to tell the others what to do, and sometimes even has Lucifer in their clawed tentacles. They are considered to be Lucifer’s most trusted comrade and is looked up to by everyone…except Desdemona, who hates them with a passion. With Lilith being called a motherly figure, they are often found luring Pokemon towards her before sucking their blood and consuming them. It is also easy for her to hide her crimes, especially with how innocent she can look. Some of the members also enjoy coming to them for advice and comfort when things go wrong.



Lilith still has a bit of her past personality before she was controlled by the Nihilego that infected her. She used to be very calm, timid even. While nowadays she is very much the opposite of shy, Lilith still retains her calm demeanor and doesn’t typically get shaken up easily.

Cold & Merciless

The Nihilego that infected Lilith when she was just a Hatterene was known to be very cold & merciless towards anyone it found. After getting tired of its previous victims, it found an endless source of entertainment in Lilith and leaked a lot of its personality into her.


Blood & flesh are some of Lilith’s favorite meals, therefore she will often use her charm and ability to manipulate to lure other Pokemon towards her. Then, when the Pokemon suspects her the least, that’s when she tends to attack.


Despite everything though, Lilith’s ability to care for others…surprisingly hasn’t vanished at all. They have always been considered a motherly figure despite how timid she used to be, which caused a lot of other Pokemon to come to her for comfort or for advice.

Battle Info

Magic Bounce

The Pokémon reflects status moves instead of getting hit by them.

Twist Band

Prevents Attack and Special Attack from lowering


Dazzling Gleam


The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.

Mirror Coat


A retaliatory attack that counters any special move, inflicting double the damage taken.

Cross Poison


A slashing attack with a poisonous blade that may also poison the target. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.



The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move.



  • -


  • Fangs when unmasked
  • Extra wings when unmasked
  • Extra limbs when unmasked


Fusion + Vampire

Other Notes

  • Lilith's design is pretty straightforward, to be honest!


No more shy Hatterene

Lilith was originally a Hatterene from a different world. She wasn’t known for anything too notable, as she never really expressed herself around others. In fact, Lilith was a very shy Hatterene, often pushing other Pokemon away from her in fear of getting hurt. But, because of that, she was often bullied by tougher Pokemon for not being the fighting type, especially since she was a Vampire like a lot of the other Pokemon around her.

All changed when she got fed up with being called weak. Lilith pushed herself to fight a Pokemon inside of a cave, however what she didn’t expect was to meet a rare Pokemon. Even less, an Ultra Beast. Not wanting to be called a coward for the umpteenth time by others, Lilith tried fighting it anyway, only for her to fall victim to what seemed to be an Ultra Beast.

However, with all the overwhelming resolve Lilith had, she managed to take control of the Nihilego, causing a perfect fusion between the two. Very surprised by her new look, Lilith tried many different tricks with her new abilities, including making a few clawed tentacles appear from her head. While a Pokemon tried looking at her, she swiftly grabbed it and bit into it.

Blood was something Lilith had never dared to drink, despite her nature as a vampire. She had always tried to avoid it, thinking she could escape the violence that came with her “curse”. But, at this point, she had it. It was her turn to enjoy herself.

Lilith's Reign of Terror

With her newfound powers, Lilith didn’t take long before terrorizing those who had previously bullied her. And, while taking other Pokemon down, she realized a few things about her that previously weren't part of her personality. She noticed she was starting to lose part of herself and stopped feeling as much regret with her actions.

And, with that, she came up in the news pretty often, especially after she had defeated a very reputable Pokemon by the name of the Executioner. Since then, Lilith had gone undefeated for a while, and even went to invade Coldour when the gates had opened.

What the Hatterene fusion didn’t expect, however, was to find a worthy enemy. A fusion between a Banette & a Mawile. They weren’t a fusion, and yet they were easily able to keep up with her for hours? Insanity. The only reason she was defeated then recruited by them was because they got extra help from other members of their team.

From food to love

Now an important member of Team Twilight, Lilith enjoys playing around with the other team members by screwing up with their psyche at times and even manages to have the main leader in her clawed tentacles at times. However, the two of them develop something more than just a rivalry. At first, Lilith only joined Team Twilight to be able to drink the blood of the other Pokemon, however she grew a soft spot for the team, and especially developed a crush with Lucifer…who happened to also have a crush on her. Due to this, Lilith was considered to be Lucifer’s most trusted team member before eventually considering her as their girlfriend.



  • Playing with feelings
  • Blood/Flesh
  • Listening to others
  • Resting


  • Boredom
  • Helping strangers
  • Insolence
  • Her past
  • Her eyes are known to glow in the dark. In fact, it's something she really enjoys to do at night.
  • Lilith before fusion used she/her & the Nihilego used it/its, but after fusion, they use they/she.
  • It can happen that Lilith gets stronger urges to kill due to the Nihilego that infected her. When that's the case, Lucifer is often the one restraining her.
  • She wants to eventually wear outfits for her own pleasure.
  • When bored, Lilith will often stand outside on a building while observing people from above during the night. When she finds good food, she will grab them and bite into them.
  • Her fangs & claws are extremely sharp. They are able to pierce through metal without issue.