


8 months, 10 days ago



LVL. 56



Species: Meloetta


Height: 2'00'' (60 cm)

Birth Gender: Female


Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/they

Nature: Sassy

Team: Twilight


Basic Info

Fancy seeing you here...for the last time.


A singer & dance performer from another world, Octavia is a notably posh & elegant Meloetta who loves to show off how extra she can be. Master of her art, she tends to be a bit pretentious & arrogant, especially in certain competitions. Octavia is also pretty well-known to be fairly evil, loving to sabotage other Pokemon’s chances of winning. Not only that, she greatly enjoys mocking others for not being as skilled as she is. Despite that, she tends to be a little different with her closed one, being a bit more tame & more caring towards them.



Being from a family of noble vampires, it is not surprising for Octavia to always want to be at her best whenever she’s in public. She enjoys being elegant, both in terms of looks & in terms of behavior, to the point where she gets annoyed when someone ruins her image.


With Octavia having a great reputation as a singer & dance performer, she’s very used to being praised to the point where it inflated her ego. She will often see herself as superior to everyone else and doesn’t hesitate to bring down the weak even more.


Aside from her career, Octavia also has a lot of rumors about purposely sabotaging other Pokemon’s chances at winning & manipulating others into doing what she wants, which often involves crimes. This is especially amplified when she reunited with Lilith.

With close ones

Surprisingly, despite her usual demeanor, Octavia tends to act a little different towards those that are closer to her. She understands the importance of treating others with respect, especially with how much they respect her. Some might say she feels like a different person as well.

Battle Info

Serene Grace

Raises the likelihood of additional effects occurring when the Pokémon uses its moves.

Twist Band

Prevents Attack and Special Attack from lowering


Relic Song


The user sings an ancient song and attacks by appealing to the hearts of the listening opposing Pokémon. This may also induce sleep.



The target is hit with a strong telekinetic force to inflict damage. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def stat.

Closs Combat


The user fights the target up close, inflicting damage without guarding itself. This also lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def stats.

Dark Pulse


The user releases a horrible aura imbued with ill intent. This may also make the target flinch.



  • -


  • Fangs when unmasked
  • Extra wings when unmasked



Other Notes

  • Octavia can also be drawn with black sclera when unmasked if desired!


A legacy of music...lost

Octavia was to be the heir of a mansion filled with musical instruments & everything needed to host an orchestra. However, her family had completely different goals with them. There was this ancient story about how her ancestors were huge music fans and wanted to eventually start an orchestra with the instruments they had collected over the years. Unfortunately, the love for music had faded over the years, especially with interest going towards making money & getting new things rather than conserving the past.

For years, Octavia had been trying to revive the love for arts by learning singing & dancing while also convincing her family to use the overwhelming collection of musical instruments, but they wanted none of it. In fact, they were very keen on selling them for coins and then using said coins to buy more modern items.

With so many disagreements, the Meloetta chose to exile with some of her family’s wealth to be able to keep living her life the way she wanted. Then, for a long time, she was a renowned singer & dancer in the world she was previously in, even meeting other vampires such as Lilith, who at the time, was a very shy Hatterene with not much going on.

The evil in her heart

Due to Octavia’s lavish life & then her reputation being the best it could ever be, her ego became a lot bigger than it used to, which caused her to dip her feet into manipulation & even crime. But, despite that, no one had ever found out about her evil deeds and only made her more popular.

And, with her friend Lilith being infected by a Nihilego, it only made Octavia’s evil tendencies even worse, completely enabling her previously shy friend to commit murder & consume those around her. Though, despite that, the two of them became even closer than ever before, doing things together as often as they could even with Octavia’s very busy schedule.

The Meloetta lived a very comfortable life…until she was thrown into Coldour.

Protective yet spoiled

In a completely new world, Octavia seriously struggled to live a perfectly “normal” life. Especially since her normal life consisted of living in a luxurious mansion while wearing the prettiest clothes and having the best meals. But, things were totally different in Coldour. And Octavia hated it.

However, she hated her stay a little less when she found Lilith interacting with a team of ghost & dark Pokemon. While Octavia was happy to see her best friend with a partner, she still wanted some fun. Thus, she joined Team Twilight as well. Why? She is not totally sure yet…but perhaps it’s to keep a protective eye on Lilith.



  • Performing
  • Blood tea
  • Gossiping
  • Poking fun of Lucifer


  • Having her vibe ruined
  • Weaker Pokemon
  • Fighting...kind of
  • Knowing fear
  • Octavia tries to avoid using her Pirouette form, as it tends to make her a bit berserk & more deranged, which ruins her vibe.
  • When consuming blood, Octavia has to always have it on a glass of wine. She very rarely bite into Pokemon unless she really has to.
  • Other than that, she will eat other food however she wants.
  • Octavia has an odd fear of showing fear, hence why she worked hard towards being fearless. Although, there is one thing she can't escape from that she's scared of...
  • When very happy while dancing, she will sometimes accidentally use Dark Pulse as she does her moves. It hurts other Pokemon sometimes. Oops!

Last Dance - Sakuzyo