Toshiri Isoptera



9 months, 6 days ago

Basic Info


Wood-Damaging Organism Inspections



Toshiri Isoptera

General Information
Termite Youkai (Subterranean)
To strenghten or weaken anything
Between Underworld and Gensokyo
Textual Information
Musical Theme
Build Up, Bug Love
  • Termite Builder of Hell and Earth
  • Lovebitten Building Bug
  • She who Makes and Destroys
Mystia's Izakaya
  • Former Hell
  • Youkai Trail
  • Youkai Mountain
  • Forest of Magic
  • Garden of the Sun

  • Peculiar
  • Homecooking
  • Strength-Boosting
  • Fungi
  • Fruity

  • Expensive
  • Aquatic
  • Greasy
  • Salty
  • Grilled

  • No Alcohol
  • Low Alcohol
  • Chillable
  • Neat
  • Vintage
Mystia's Izakaya
You've destroyed my work for the last time. I'll grind you to sawdust!

Toshiri Isoptera (イソップてら 利里) is the owner of Toushimoku Construction, where she works alone most of the time, unless she is being helped by her girlfriend Yamame Kurodani. She is autistic.


Toshiri is somewhat short, with an amber skintone and light freckles. She has hair that reaches to around her chin, with two longer sections in the front meant to resemble mandibles. Her hair has somewhat of a gradient, going from an off-white to an orange colour, intended to resemble the different colours on the bodies of some species of termites. She has rectangle-shaped, brown eyes and no visible eyebrows, as they're hidden under her bangs. She wears clothes that're various shades of brown, including a short-sleeved turtleneck sweater, torn tights and a wood-grain patterened skirt. She also near constantly wears her toolbelt and work gloves. In cold weather, she wears a coat over her shoulders. She also wears an off-white hard hat with a round light when she is working or underground. She has L-shaped, orange antennae.

Her skirt pattern and torn tights are inspired by the fact that termites are known for eating wood. The two long sections of her hair are intended to resemble mandibles, which paired with her antennae emphasises the insect themeing. Similarly, the colours in her hair are intended to reference the colours present on the bodies of various species of termies. In terms of her specific species, she is an Eastern Subterranean Termite, but she does lack any features that specifically define her as this species. The shape of her hair, as well as her hard hat, are rounded to reference the round heads of termites.


She is fairly introverted, and is very blunt and monotone in speech and expression. She speaks less than she listens, and doesn't tend to consider manners too deeply when she does speak, leading to some considering her impolite. She doesn't do this intentionally, but she struggles with expression and conveying her thoughts in a way that's considered traditionally acceptable. She does emote occasionally, though they are small, such as small smiles and frowns or a light blush. She is somewhat introverted, prefering to spend time with smaller groups or even single people rather than at large gatherings. She also isn't much of a fan of fighting, considering it pointless and litte more than a distraction from her work if she's on the job. If she witnesses fighting while she's not working, she'll likely make a small comment about it damaging her hard work. She will only be pushed to violence if someone attacks her first, attacks Yamame, or if her work has been damaged or destroyed one too many times.

She also has an interest in rocks and ore, and has a small collection in her home. Due to being a termite, Toshiri eats wood, and has got in trouble in the past for eating what she presumed were discarded wooden items, for example once eating one of Ichigo Seikaryu's wooden baskets.


Toshiri used to live in the underworld, but moved when Old Hell became overcrowded. Though she did recognise the need for more accomodation, and started her construction business to help repair and create homes for the vast population around the underworld. She met Yamame around this time, and the two started as friends before developing into something more. She also met and befriended Momoyo Himemushi, bonding over their shared interest in rocks and ores.

Later, Toshiri realised the untapped market for constucting buildings for Youkai on the surface as well, and expanded the scope of her businesss to include the surface. Here she met Wriggle Nightbug and Eternity Larva, who she befriended because of their shared bug traits. She considers the two to be a bit loud for her personal taste, but doesn't mind spending time with them on the odd occasion. Wriggle sometimes helps with lighting up her projects on the surface while she works, and Eternity brings Toshiri flowers which she either gives to Yamame or displays in her own cottage.


Toshiri has the ability to strengthen or weaken anything, including whole things, small sections of things, and people. Though she primarily uses this ability to make buildings she constructs stronger, she is also somehow consistently busy due to damage caused by incidents. She can also use this ability to make an attacker's bullets weaker, and has a bullet type in her own danmaku that does so.

As a termite, she also has the ability to eat wood, and could hypothetically eat the foundations of a building to the point that it collapses. However, she doesn't tend to do this, even when she is tasked with demolishing a building, as she finds it much less expeditious than just weakening the whole building until it collapses. She will take parts of the collapsed wood to eat as a snack later, though.

Spell Cards

  • Demolition Sign "Crumbling Foundation"
  • Demolition Sign "Crumbling Supports"
  • Ten Thousand Termite Dinner
  • Building Sign "House and Home"
  • Weakening "Danmaku Destruction"
  • Strengthening "Danmaku Power-Up"


Yamame Kurodani

Toshiri and Yamame are in a romantic relationship, being girlfriends and unofficial business partners as Yamame occasionally helps Toshiri with parts of her work. Despite their differences in personality and expression, with Yamame being significantly friendlier and more open, the two get along incredibly well and have a healthy relationship. Toshiri values Yamame's kindness towards her and admires her bright personality, and is drawn to her strengh and aid in construction.

Though Toshiri isn't particularly fond of PDA, she often spends her spare time making or finding gifts for Yamame. Before the two got together, Toshiri was very nervous about this, and sought assistance from Ichigo and Kamine* to ensure she could make Yamame happy and comfortable. She isn't one to initiate much physical affection, but she will start the odd hand-hold or intentionally brush hands, and enjoys Yamame's acts of physical affection as well. Toshiri finds Yamame to be very beautiful, though she struggles to figure out how to express this. She also admires Yamame's danmaku, views her webs as art, and is impressed by her ability to manipulate disease. Toshiri enjoys taking Yamame on walks in the forest, or visiting Mystia's Izakaya together when it's quiet, but she is willing to go almost anywhere alongside Yamame, and is willing to brave places she finds overstimulating for small periods of time if it will make Yamame happy. Yamame is understanding of Toshiri's sensory issues, and while she appreciates her willingness to stray outside her comfort zone for her, she would never force Toshiri to push herself to extreme overstimulation or a meltdown for her.

Ichigo Seikaryu

Despite Ichigo previously being annoyed about Toshiri eating her basket, the two are friends. Ichigo does her best to wing-woman for Toshiri, suggesting fruits she could gift to Yamame, as she sees bugs on her plants that are drawn to fruit. As Toshiri doesn't eat fruit herself, she puts her trust in Ichigo to help her pick ones that Yamame will like


  • Toshiri's creation was a result of me watching a lot of pest inspection ASMR videos.
  • Her relationship with Yamame is a result of me coming to adore Yamame and wanting a character to love and appreciate her as much as I do.
  • The way Toshiri's autism presents is specifically based on my own autism, especially in regards to tone and intent behind words being misunderstood.
  • She'd probably be an early stage boss, maybe stage 1 or 2.
