[WTA/DTA]'s Comments

Lucy talkative, loyal, charismatic and perhaps a little too selfish. But what'd you expect from somebody with her position.

Lucy was born in a loving family in an average village. She lived out of trouble until she was about 12 years old, but at that point life changed.

Lucy went on an adventure and was learning a lot of new skills. With the support of great friends, she is unstoppable in a wacky world. But with her curiosity and capability, there's nothing to stop her from fulfilling all dreams. She could quickly become a force to be reckoned with.

But anything could happen; she is currently still learning, exploring and discovering. She feels like there's more to discover in this world. Luckily she has wise teachers and great friends to support her.

May I please adopt her?

I rarely connect with humans so me connecting instantly with his guy was honestly surprising sjkklsl. If I get them I'd turn them into a Spiderman oc

Name: Alani Lewandowski
Nickname[s]: Lani
Alias: Angel, Angel-Spider
Age: 19 Years
Gender: Enby
Pronouns: He/They
Occupation: Spiderman, Make-up Artist, Painter
Personality: A silly, goofy guy, reminiscent of Pav from ATSV. He does what he wants and doesn't care how others view him. He is a staunch advocate for equal rights for all and uses his popularity as spiderman to raise funds for charity and organisations. He is also known to do meet-and-greets at children's hospitals. Most of his city has an idea of who Angel's identity is, but because he protects them, they protect him. While he does love his job as a make-up artist, Lani always had dreams of becoming a doctor, but being spiderman has been getting in the way of that. His recent inclusion into spider-society doesn't help much either, but he has made friends in the form of Indie and Gemini [Two other spiderpeople of mine!] [I also really love the half-long half-short haircut; Gemini has this exact same haircut sjksls]
Story: After being taken away from his bio-parents at 6 months old after they failed to care for him, Lani went through multiple foster homes before finally being adopted by his current family. Lani always had an interest with art from a young age and invested his free-time into painting and soon make-up. When he was 11, Lani went to practice landscape painting at a local park where he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Every since then he was the one and only Spiderman of his city, going by the alias Angel or Angel-Spider. His canon event happened when he was 13 and involved his older brother Flynn, who turned out to be his universe's version of the Prowler. Flynn was tasked to kill Angel-Spider by his boss and he tracked Angel down, which culminated in a fight to the death in a local shopping mall. Angel was severely wounded during this and revealed his identify to Flynn in a last ditch effort to safe himself. Flynn upon the realization that he was sent to kill his own brother, turned against his boss and ultimately sacrificed himself to give Lani enough time to escape. Lani was welcomed into Spider-Society when he turned 15 after helping to capture a rogue Rhino that was accidently transported to his universe.