


9 months, 19 days ago




 PIGEONPAW—a short haired, lilac and cream, mackerel tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with green eyes.

Sister of Maplepaw. Too curious for her own good and selfish where Maple is helpful. Apprenticed to Bramblebark, to her own detriment. His ambition for deputy encourages her own selfishness, and his earnest belief in Eaglestar throws doubt on her mother’s horror stories about him. Can't see her dad doing any wrong, a belief reinforced by Bramble. Essentially, Bramble is a simple guy who thinks Eagle is correct and anyone who doubts him is wrong, and is passing that view on to Pigeon.

  • Likes:
  • fighting
  • learning the history of her Clan
  • being praised for her pelt
  • Dislikes:
  • "ugly" one-color cats
  • Maple's attempts to make her think critically
  • eating birds


Birchleaf is an annoying mother-hen to Pigeon. She fusses too much over her training injuries.

Maplepaw annoys Pigeon by asking her leading questions to make her doubt the Clan's purity and beliefs.

Bramblebark spars with Pigeon whenever she wants, and answers her questions about the Clan's history with good (easy) answers.

Eaglestar doesn't pay much attention to Pigeon directly, but she likes hanging around him to feel important and to learn directly from a Leader.