


5 years, 11 months ago



NameAlena Linh
Base Phobiaselenophobia (moon)
ThemeYou Are the Moon - The Hush Sound


Charisma★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Kindness★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Caution★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Intelligence★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


BirthdayMay 20 (Taurus)
Eyesdark brown
Skinpalely tanned
Hairgray with a hint of blue


Alena is a character I made for an oc group with others and is a vessel for the irrational fear of the moon (selenophobia). During the morning, she acts the opposite of her phobia (friendly opposed to the cold moon etc) and works at a clinic called Neurosis Co. with her coworkers (aka other vessels for phobias) as they work use drugs to erase trauma. At night when the phobia technically takes over, she and the others work as a mafia to collect the drugs they use in the morning. They have good intentions I would suppose, but bad decisions.

Up until she was 20 to 21, she had been more a less a regular and normal Vietnamese person, finishing up college to the best of her ability. She came from a family with both her parents and an older brother she looked up to named Carson who was around 8 years older than her, and who died when he was age 27 (so when Alena was 18). This caused Alena to begin struggling in her day to day life and although she didn't develop a case of depression, she was still immensely upset by the ordeal. Taking some time away from home in the States, she flew to Ella Island the summer between her junior and senior year, where she soon became embodied by the phobia previously mentioned in the first paragraph. Due to this, she lost all her memories up to that point (meaning she no longer remembers Carson, her family, her college, etc) and changed in appearance (and by that, I mean only her hair for daytime outlook). Her phobia helps her work around the clinic, using its knowledge from previous vessels works to navigate around tools and people. She's okay at the clinic, but she's scared of all her coworkers, and especially her seven bosses (who are the Seven Deadly Sins), since she's afraid of confrontation and most of them could kick her ass to the moon if they wanted to. Even so, she likes talking with them from time to time, but she isn't entirely invested into conversations for the fear of being too close for comfort (which happens anyways, but she's trying).

Later on, Neurosis has a bit of a run in with XLV Syndicate, their rival mafia, when they start to refuse them drugs. XLV appears in the morning when they are in their completely defenseless selves and basically do a killing spree. Many died, including the patients, and Alena was one of the unlucky few who survived. Wrath, their main boss, took a leave for a year or so as the others tried to fix what they could to not much avail. Alena grew reclusive and more irritable, seeing as many of her friends (or at the very least people she saw on a day to day basis and grew a small fondness for) had been slaughtered before her and cut her hair to her chin. (All of her images are before the invasion unless stated otherwise).

☀ Personality

  • generally pretty sweet and will normally have a smile on her face
  • a tiny bit of a pushover (especially towards kids)
  • Sacrifices her own security for others to be comfortable (especially to people she's just met)
  • a tad reserved with her problems and how she's feeling because she hates upsetting people
  • is usually on and off with how open she is with her thoughts-- sometimes she's just the quiet person in the corner of the room and sometimes she's the one terrifying everybody on her knowledge of how to kill someone

☾ Personality

  • tbd


  • being helpful
  • having her hair in a braid
  • seeing people happy
  • apples
  • her ribbon (even if she doesn't remember the sentiment behind it)


  • having her bangs unclipped (because they're a mess)
  • being upset at someone's happiness
  • most citruses (in taste, smell is fine)
  • crying when there's no reason to
  • feeling utterly embarrassed for herself


  • larger pupils, giving her doe-like eyes
  • got moon and arrow tattoo w/ Carson
  • red ribbon (from Carson when she was 12) is for good luck
  • has a crush on one of her coworkers
  • can swim really well


2539396?Carson Linh

brother (deceased)



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