


8 months, 29 days ago


Quote here


>> Caring > “Are you okay?”
> Willowpaw deeply cares about the feelings of others. She’ll sit down and happily take the time to listen to a cat's problem, offering them support along the way. In her mind, everyone’s problems or pains are equally important, even when other cats see them as trivial.

>> Encouraging > “You can do it!”
> When others are down, Willowpaw tries her best to boost them up. Whether its through words or actions, she’ll encourage them onward the best she can.

>> Courageous > “I’m here to help!”
> Willowpaw is always ready to help others, no matter the danger or stakes. She puts the needs of others before herself. She can't bear to see others suffer or get hurt, and she'll offer a paw even if it goes against her own interests in the end. 


>> Patient > “It’s fine, I can wait! Might as well enjoy the moment anyways.”
> Time is always ticking, but Willowpaw would rather give other cats the time they need rather than rushing them. Whether its learning something or just leaving to go on a walk, she won’t rush anyone even if she’s running late to do something she wants to do.

>> Social > “Being alone isn't great, so why not be friends instead!”
> No matter who it is, Willowpaw can't help but strike up a conversation. She enjoys interacting with others, and she often starts to feel down when she can't talk to another cat. Unfortunately, this also comes with the side effect that she struggles to be alone or simply just not talk to another cat for a long period of time.

>> Playful > “Come on, a little fun won't hurt you!”
>Willowpaw often isn't serious and prefers to keep things lighthearted when she can. She wants to see others laugh and have a good time alongside her. Sometimes her playful mannerisms come in at the wrong time though, leading to more than a few awkward moments when she makes an ill-placed joke.


>> Emotional > “I just have so many emotions all bottled up inside of me!”
> So many things go on in the world, and Willowpaw has feelings on just about all of them. Her emotions are often large and daunting, even for the smallest of instances. While this is sometimes a good thing, other times it leads her overreacting to a situation where it's unnecessary.

>> Reckless > “Don't worry I'm coming!” proceeds to leap into something dangerous.
> Sometimes things are best thought through, but unfortunately Willowpaw tends to leap into things headfirst. She wants to help those around her and be a hero, in her mind that means running in with little to no regard for herself.

>> Pessimistic  > “Everything’s just going to go wrong, no matter what I do.”
> Willowpaw truly does try her best to focus on the positive, but when it comes down to it she can often focus on the negative aspects of things. She worries about failure and all the things that can possibly go wrong. Willowpaw tries her best to hide her pessimism from other cats, often making jokes at her expense.


Prifix meaning
Litter theme & named after grandmother, Egretwillow
Suffix meaning
Traditional apprentice suffix
Previous names
Willow, Willy

Past clan
Past ranks

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
9+ Moons
questioning [low Starclan]


Appearance > Cream and brown rosetted tabby with wavy white markings and blue eyes
Build >On the bulky side with long strong legs
Fur >Medium to short fluffy soft fur

Scent >Heather and Lavander
Voice > xxx


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 28cm( Full grown)
Weight: 12.8 lbs (Full grown)


Scars >
Accessories >
Bans >
Other items used >


Her family
Being with one of her family members at all times
Watching the butterflies


Sudden loud noises
Rude cats
The tunnels





  • Agility [5/10]
  • Stealth [4/10]
  • Speed [4/10]
  • Strength [6/10]
  • Endurance [5/10]
  • Climbing [3/10]
  • Swimming [3/10]


  • Sight [6/10]
  • Scent [6/10]
  • Hearing [8/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [5/10]


  • Den Building [3/10]
  • Battle tactics [2/10]
  • Hunting tactics [2/10]
  • Kitting [0/10]
  • Herbal [0/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [3/10]


>>  Jaychirp > Mother > Gray spotted tabby she-cat with dark markings and hazel green eyes
>> Swallowcall > Parent > Blue charcoal spotted tabby with blue eyes


>> Heronbrook >Older Brother > A gray rosetted tom with heterochromic eyes
>> Crowwish > Older Sister > A charcoal rosetted cat with green eyes.

>> Lilacpaw > Littermate > Blue spotted tabby with white spotting and amber eyes 
>> Hollypaw > Littermate > Brown and white charcoal rosetted tabby with green eyes
>> Maplepaw > Littermate > Dilute spotted torbie with amber eyes
>> Thistlepaw > Littermate > Silver spotted tabby with huge splotches of white and bright green eyes


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


    >> Kestreldawn >Great Grandmother > blue-cream tortie with white spotting with green eyes
    >> Crowcall > Great Grandfather > black smoke cat with amber eyes

>> Egretwillow > Maternal Grandmother > A pale gray spotted tabby she-cat with white markings and amber eye
>>Hollystem > Paternal grandmother > Sleek charcoal tabby with amber eyes
>>Silksnow > Paternal grandfather > Fluffy white tom with striking blue eyes

>> Heronpaw > Great Uncle > A silver-cream tabby tom with blue eyes > NPC
>>Magpiekit > Aunt > A black and white she-cat with yellow-green eyes
    >>Quailkit > Uncle > A gray tom with green eyes and a pale underbelly

>>Magpiepond > Auncle > White and charcoal tabby chimera with heterochromia
>>Ashenbranch > Magpie's Mate > Brown ticked tabby with hazel eyes
>>Magpiekit > Aunt > A black and white she-cat with yellow-green eyes
>>Quailkit > Uncle > A gray tom with green eyes and a pale underbelly

>> Ravenpaw > nephew > A ginger tabby
>> Silkpaw > nephew >A dark brown and ginger tabby
>> Dawnpaw > nephew > A black tabby


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
crushes/romantic encounters/etc
Looking for
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • quiet
  • dark fur
  • trait


  • loud
  • trait
  • trait


Kithood [0- 8 moons] >

    Born into a litter of 5 to loving parents, Jaychirp and Swallowcall, Willowkit was welcomed into the world of clan life, that of Cloudclan. With her grandmother, Egretwillow, also there to welcome her, Willowkit was even named after said grandmother. She had two older siblings named, Heronbrook and Crowwish, Heronbrook was blind and Willowkit was curious how her brother went about life

    Not long after they were born, Panthercrow was made the next deputy of Cloudclan. Willowkit thought the molly must be amazing to become deputy! Some cats seemed upset about it, but surely Cheetahstar made the right choice? Leaders were supposed to know everything there was to know about things, they couldn't make bad choices!

    Quailbelly gave birth to Charcoalkit and Rubblekit one day. Willowkit wanted to play with them, but apparently they were too young. Oh well, she'd make sure to make up a fun game for when they could play! After some time passed, her big brother Heronbrook adopted Ravenkit, Dawnkit, and Silkkit. She was so excited to have little nephews.

    One day, Cheetahstar and a bunch of other cats left the camp, including her parent, Swallowcall. Apparently it was for a very important mission to attack some cats. Willowkit wasn't all that sure about attacking other cats. Couldn't they all just enjoy themselves and agree to be friends?
    When the cats returned, many of them were hurt badly and... and her auncle Magpiepond wasn't moving anymore. Willowkit cried and cried when she realized they had died, it was made worse when she saw that Swallowcall was hurt as well. How could cats just do that to eachother?!

    Swallowcall decided to move into the nursery not long after the attack. She was glad, now both of her parents would be safe in the nursery with them! Willowkit still worried a little bit sometimes that the cats Cloudclan had attacked would come back to hurt them even more, but for now everything seemed alright and things had returned to a sense of normalcy. Bugcatcher even gave birth to five whole kits, just like her mom Jaychirp had with Willowkit and the rest of her siblings!

   Willowkit was happily playing in the nursery when a commotion broke out in camp. As she peeked her head out, she heard that Panthercrow, the current deputy, was stepping down and leaving Cloudclan. She was, well, shocked! The deputy was one of the coolest cats in the clan alongside Cheetahstar, and now she was just leaving? Willowkit didn't really know what to think, but she thought it was sweet that Panthercrow was leaving to find her long-lost lover.

    After the chaos that was the day before, the next day was like a nice breeze. Cheetahstar even came to play with them, although Willowkit was a bit late since she was still curled up in her parents' nest. Everything was so nice and peaceful!

    At least until cats began to swarm Cloudclan's camp.

    Willowkit was terrified, but she couldn't just sit by and do nothing! She was ready to charge out and help her clan, when suddenly she was scooped whisked away and carried out of camp by another warrior alongside Swallowcall who was carrying two of her other siblings. Why were they running?! They had to protect their home! As they plunged into the dark of the tunnels, Willowkit couldn't help but feel scared for their future.

    It hadn't even been a whole day since they began wandering the tunnels, and Willowkit already wanted to be in the sun again. Even worse, her mom and two of her siblings weren't with them. She wanted to stay cheerful and keep a smile on her face, but she was just so worried about them. What if she never saw them again!

    She wasn't even sure how long they had been in the tunnels anymore. All she knew was that she was hungry, thirsty, tired, and she missed her mom. While she was trying to sleep, the tunnel suddenly collapsed above them. Gorsewing managed to grab her, but when the dust cleared, Swallowcall, Hollykit, and Maplekit weren't with them anymore. She cried and yelled for them, but the only thing she could hear in return was the echo of her own voice. Now... Now she had lost all of her family.

    She, Gorsewing, and Columbineweb were alone together. Willowkit felt hollow inside, although she tried her best to lighten the mood. Everything just seemed so wrong. She should be playing with her siblings and parents... instead of wandering around in the dark aimlessly. Nearly two moons after the tunnel collapse, they heard the voices of another group. Willowkit's heart leaped with joy. She was going to get to see her family again!

   Swallowcall, Hollykit, and Maplekit weren't with the group they had found. She couldn't help but break down into tears once again. There were other kits there as well, she had to be strong for them! Willowkit was the biggest kit there, and if the youngest saw how hopeless she was, then they would feel hopeless as well.

    It had been... moons since they had seen even a trace of light. They still hadn't found Swallowcall, Maplekit, Hollykit, or even Charcoalkit. It seemed like a miracle when they finally found a tunnel leading to the surface. She had almost forgotten what the sun looked like, and it hurt her eyes just standing on the surface.

    Rather than returning to Cloudclan, they traveled to Marshclan's camp. When they arrived, Jaychirp along with Thistlekit and Lilackit were there, and the rest of her family was found and brought out of the tunnels not much later. Willowkit cried and cried, but this time they were tears of joy rather than sadness. There was still a lot of catching up to do, and it seemed both Thistlekit and Lilackit had become apprentices while they were underground. Willowkit wished she had been able to become an apprentice with them, but at least they were together again!

Apprenticeship [9 -Present] >

Willowpaw smiled as she received Wildflutter as a mentor. So much had changed since they had gotten lost in the tunnels. She was nine whole moons old when she became an apprentice! Nevertheless, she would do whatever it took to never lose her family again.

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First Impressions

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First impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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