Rosemary Tilnourgh (WIP) (Extras!)



8 months, 28 days ago



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Design aspects

General alterations
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With missing features
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With weaponry
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Moderate (gashes)
Explicit (gore/amputation)
Cartoony/candy gore
Realistic gore
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Self harm
Suicide, tendencies

Explicit content

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Moderate (kiss, cuddle)
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Code by maniCARNY

Character Basics!

Name Rosemary Tilnourgh
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Lesbian
Age 32
Born June/16/XXXX, White Gardens Hospital
Residence Stellae Dorms, Valor
Race Half Human/Siren
Height 6'5"
Alignment Neutral Good
Occupation Stellae's Head Medic & SIC

Character Questions!

What is their favourite colour? Greyish Pink
What is their favourite food? Pecans & Alfredo
What is their favourite animal? Coral Fish
Are they religious? No
What are their hobbies? Cooking, Reading, Swimming
Do they have any health conditions? Nope
What is their greatest accomplishment? Becoming an Renown Doctor in Valor and Varos
What is their dream job? Doctor (which is what she is)
What’s their favourite genre of music? Classical
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? A mix of both, it depends on weather
How do they relax/have fun? Reading or Drinking with Kit & Corthin
Did they receive basic education? Yes
Describe their home. Her "home" at this point is jsut her Stellae dorm, its decorated with books and simple items.
Do they have any allergies? no
Make up? Unless its a formal event, she doesnt wear any
Scars? A Small one on her cheek
Birthmarks? None
Tattoos? None
Physical handicaps? None
Demeanor? Somewhat standoffish, quiet, tempermental
Build? Lean, slight muscle
Favourite style of clothes Comfortable and warm
How were they born? On purpose(im not going to explain the parents doin the do)
Are they adopted? No
Are their parents alive? Yes
Do they have siblings? A Brother by choice
How do they feel about their family? With her parents, its not horrible but its slightly distant. They are technically on good terms. With Astrolos (her brother), its very good and they are close.
Do they want kids? She's not ready for that kind of thing but in the future maybe.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured but with high expectations
Did they grow up rich or poor? Rich
What were they like as a child? She was a lot more calm and a lot more quiet
What is their best childhood memory? Meeting Kit and Corthin
What is their worst childhood memory? The one argument she had with her parents over expectations
Do they have any pets? No
What is a turn on for them? I dont really wish to answer this at this time
What is a turn off for them? I dont really wish to answer this at this time
Do they have friends? Yes
Are they in a relationship? Yes :D
Do they want to get married? She wont push it but she wouldnt mind
Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert? Introvert
Do they have enemies? Technically yes
What was their first kiss like? Very clumsy but nice
Have they ever been in love? Twice
Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes
What words or phrases do they overuse? "Stop being Stupid!"
Do they have a catchphrase? Not really
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Shes a realist
Do they talk to themself? When ever shes thinking about soemthing or working throu a problem
Do they sing when they're alone? No
What bad habits do they have? Yelling when loud
What makes them laugh out loud? Very bad jokes
How do they display affection? By taking care of others: patching them up
How do they want to be seen by others? Reliable
How do they see themselves? That she can do better
How are they seen by others? Reilable, Intimidating
Strongest character trait? Stubborn
Weakest character trait? *im not sure..?*
How competitive are they? It depends. When it comes to board games: Extremely. Anything else: not really
How do they react to praise? She takes it pretty well, she just says thank you or nods her head in acknowledgement
How do they react to criticism? Decently
What are their biggest secrets? Currently keeping Astrolos's origins a secret because he asked her too
What will they stand up for? The people she cares about, doing what is right
What sense do they most rely on? Hearing
How do they treat people better than them? Politely
How do they treat people worse than them? (this seems like a loaded question) Criminals and the liek she kinda treats them passive agressively
What quality do they most value in a friend? Being a decent person
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her need to do everything perfectly
What is their obsession? N/A
What are their pet peeves? Interupptions, Being late, Messes
Would they kill someone? If it was to protect some she cares about or was a threat to her paitents, yes
Have they killed someone? No
Would they hurt anyone on purpose? If it was to protect someone
Have they hurt anyone on purpose? Partially
Have they hurt anyone by accident? yes
What is their sinful little habit? Not taking time for herself
Do they have any substance abuse? No
Do they have a criminal record? No
Have they been to jail? No
Do they follow the law? Yes
Do they give to charity? Of course
Would they risk their life to save someone? She is not fond of self scarifical stuff, but yes
Would they accept a bribe? Other than from the kids in Stellae who bribe for the dumbest stuff, No
All crime is legal, what would they do? I'm not sure she'd really commit any
How do they respond to a threat? Defensive, but she won't attack til they do
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Both
what would they save from their burning house? The picture book from her childhood
How do they perceive strangers? She'll be polite til they say or do something stupid
What do they love to hate? Stupidity
What are their phobias? Claustrophobia, Heights, Losing people, Drowning
What is their choice of weapon? Gun Box
What living person do they most despise? Leigh Ashford & Entity ( on behalf of Astrolos)
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Playfully
Where do they go when they’re angry? Her Library
Code by ZodyZaible