


5 years, 10 months ago


Hi sorry I need it known first of all that Hya and Whip are dead to me for this??? he's such a good design and I love him ;;

General outline!!!!

A high ranking artist in the Day Court, located in the ink city of Kalathesis. He is currently traveling the world at the behest of the Royals of the court, seeking out new paintings and books and other interesting items to add to the royal collection, whilst also giving him time to gather inspiration for his own works. Little do they know however that he is a serious klepto when it comes to these sorts of works, and he's quietly putting a great amount of the work aside to add to his own 'Private Hoard'

He is the kind of individual who obssess' over something for a few days, then grows bored of it when something else comes along. If he's unable to get the item in question, he becomes... faaairly agitated and frustrated, thinking on it constantly. Might not be afraid of stooping to the level of hiring thieves?? will have to think on

The dragon on his arm is a tattoo! Not sure yet if he did the work himself, or if he hired someone else to do it for him

Not entirely sure where his gradiant came from yet? Potentially from one of the earlier works he saw that kicked off the whole 'I *need* this' mentality?