Arturia [Genshin Impact] (🐺🐭WrioRia🐭🐺)



1 year, 3 days ago




Name Wriothsley
Birthday November 23rd
Age 32
Pet Names for S/O Arty, Miss Mice
Favorite Feature of S/O Her flustered expression
Name Arturia Romaria
Birthday July 25th
Age 33
Pet Names for S/O Wrio, Lord Shark-Dog
Favorite Feature of S/O His smile

How they met


Arturia and Wriothesley had met prior to the major events happening in their life that changed the course of it. Once, Arturia had fled from home after another disastrous attempt at communicating and hiding behind her sister as she was scolded and blamed for whatever it is that her parents kept nagging them both about. She ended up running away in the pouring rain, accidentally finding a smal crevice for cover where a young Wriothesley was also taking shelter in. Their first meeting ended up with them talking, slightly bickering, and the two of them giving each other the Miss Mice and Lord Shark-Dog nickname, describing each other based off that singular meeting. When Arturia finally does go home, she had planned to continue meeting up with the mysterious teen, and this secret rendevous had continued for a month.

When Arturia was injured for three days, she had pleaded to her sister to allow her to leave and bid farewell to the nice teen that had kept her company, which led to her meeting a solemn Wrio that day. He seemed distracted, but had snapped out of it when Arturia told him she needed to leave for Mondstadt. He seemed to take it a bit harshly, closing his mouth shut at the problem he was going to tell her. Arturia understood and simply bade him farewell, wishing him the best and hoped that they would meet again one day. The day Arturia left was the same day that Wriothesley murdered his parents and was sentenced to the Fortress of Meropide.

A few years passed and Arturia came back, fuming at her sister and with a shiny new Vision that tainted her hair. Wriothesley didn't recognize her at first but upon the smile and hand extending to him from her, a long forgotten memory had resurfaced from ther depths of his consciousness. He grasped her hand, shaking it as an acknowledgement that he would gain support from the Romaria Charity Fund for his slow ascend to wrangle the chaos in the Fortress. He had observed her for a few weeks before finally coming to the conclusion that Arturia really was his Miss Mice... And so, in a quiet evening when he was telling her to hide her Vision from on-lookers, he had accidentally called her Miss Mice. Arturia responded naturally, his own nickname flowing out of her mouth and this made him realize that she does remember him. He asked her why she never told him only to hear that she was scared that he had forgotten her or how he had still hated her for leaving him, to which he denied. Still, now that they had reconnected from the past, it was only a matter of time before that friendly bickering slowly turned into something more... Something that everyone in the Fortress could see.

After ten years of building his reputation and finally being left in charge of Meropide, Arturia offered him a place in the RCF if he wanted to leave after his sentence was done. He admitted that he would stay instead and clean up the place to which Arturia then replied she would join him as well. He asked her why she would stay in that cold damp prison, and upon seeing her smile proudly at him and her telling him about how 'The Fortress would change now that you're here, and I want to be here to see it!', a soft thump and spike in his heartbeat made him conclude... He was in love with her. Later on, after years of pursuit and subtle nudges to his advances, Arturia also admitted that she had loved him for so long, and only gained the courage after he finally made it clear to her.

Their dynamic is the classic teasing man and flustered woman as Arturia wears her heart on her sleeve while Wrio endlessly would keep poking at it. Though Wriothesley does admit that seeing her flustered and sometimes crying face is a pleasure for him, he would never purposefully hurt her emotionally, and would stop at nothing to reassure her and make her feel at ease. Though at times, he ends up giving her a chase as her tendency to run from problems would overwhelm her at times, he does admit he quite likes the thrill of it and it often ends in a rather intense intimate session afterwards.

Arturia would often times bluff and pretend to be strong and unaffected but when push comes to shove, she would naturally run away, often times from her flustered feelings from the Duke's teasing. Upon being cornered by him, usually she ends up either trying to fight back or simply crying instead. When they got together, this still occasionally happens but to a lesser degree (and more specifically, something related to their personal bedroom dynamics and preferences instead) but more often than not, the bickering and back and forth would end with a kiss and maybe a surrender from either of the parties. While Wriothesley was confident in their relationship, people would also note from time to time how he would let his hands wander to her waist, how he would stay close and purposefully stare back at another party, or simply cut them off and excuse Arturia away from them. Arturia seemed to never notice these, remaining painfully oblivious at her fiancee's obvious possessive nature.

By definition, the two of them are the perfect example of a predator-prey dynamic, with a wolf-like husband and a mice-like wife. Not only obvious in their motiffs, it shows up through their chosen nicknames, their expressions, and even in some of the Melusine's doodles of them. Arturia's tendency to run away in tears and Wriothesley's knack for bringing her back and consoling her had led to some rather whacky hijinks within the Fortress. Seeing the Duke be playful to his significant other had been a treat but especially so when Arturia was finally formally recognized as the Duchess, leading to some people getting into Wriothesley's good graces when they call her by that title.

If her sister and Neuvillette had been something of a parental ship vibes, Arturia and Wriothesley definitely gave off a godparents type of relationship and felt much more lax and less strict than the other two. Being much more open with their relationship for each other compared to the quiet and solemn love Neuvileil had shown, they definitely give off more 'spoiling' attitudes than the first pair. Still, despite all that, their care for one another and occasional jealous-vibes are much more prominent and obvious to the discerning eyes of the Fontainians. Just like Soleil, Arturia also has the approval of the Melusines, especially with regards to her friendship with Sigewinne, and thus, their own relationship being blessed with enthusiasm from the tiny creatures.


Ship name(s) WrioRia, Godparents Ship
Type of relationship Romantic Love
Common Form of Affection Bickering, engulfing hugs, peppering kisses
Length 10+ years (Ongoing)
Height difference 17cm (Height Difference Visually)
Age difference 1 year (Arturia is older by a year)
Supporters Soleil, Neuvillette, All of the Melusines, All the inmates in the Fortress

  • Their animal motiffs are Shark-Wolf and Mice.
  • They share the same taste in tea leaves but Arturia doesn't like non-creamy tea and would often have milk mixed in with hers.
  • Wriothesley's worst nightmare (as shown in the Black Gem) would have been to lose Arturia right in front of his eyes.
  • When Arturia is genuinely angry or mad at Wriothesley, she calls him by his full title of 'Duke Wriothesley' without any hint of fear present. Likewise, Wriothesley calls her 'Young Miss Romaria' if he is in the brink of getting mad.
  • Often times, she would bring back Beryl Conches and hand them over to the Melusines so they could make some cute accessories from it. You would often see Wrio look around for them when he is up in the surface.
  • Wriothesley was the one to give Arturia the bow in her hair clipped with her Vision. He was the one to warn her before to not flaunt it around when they were still under a different admin. Likewise, Arturia was the one to pin his Vision behind his coat.
  • Arturia was the one to decorate Wriothesley's office, the gramophone and extra couch being her prized possession.
  • Whenever crabs are afront, Wriothesley would make a big showing of shooing them away or beating them up in front of her. He does it of course so he could calm her down but a hidden smile would always make its way onto his face when she clings onto him (he was the one to direct the crabs in their path in the first place)

Code by @testosteroki