Silver Blade Gang



8 months, 21 days ago


Silver Blade Gang

A thief gang formed of skilled teenagers who had to learn how to steal in order to survive.


[Disclaimer: The fantasy world this is all settled in belongs to my friend Vekneim. My characters and their stories simply take part in that world.]

Among the different gangs of thieves that operated in the city of Dalhurst, on the continent of Firia, one was one formed entirely of teenagers. But they weren't to be underestimated, because these children were a very skilled group despite their young age.

This group started with Matthew, Alexandra and Travis, three old friends. Young Matt, only 11 years old, saved the lives of the other two children when they were about to be killed by a bandit, and since then they follow him everywhere. They really admired and wanted to help the young boy who had rescued them. As time went by, more kids of similar ages and situations began to join the group, becoming a small family and founding officially the gang.

In the beginning, they usually split up into small groups and robbed the city's clueless people, especially tourists. They didn't get much money, but it was enough for them to survive more or less in a good condition. As the group grew in number and skill, they began to aim a little higher and plan some riskier, but also fruitful, robberies. This unfortunately also caused friction to arise with other gangs in the area, where a dispute over territory was not unusual. However, they also sometimes formed alliances to participate in more ambitious robberies, in which they even managed to obtain some powerful magical items. The group of helpless children was gaining more and more renown, and even adult gangs had started to consider them a threat to be reckoned with.

They had hidden in different places over the years until they got to the abandoned building that was their current hideout, on the outskirts of the city. The place was quite spacious, with several floors and rooms, although it was not in the best condition. The gang's belongings and loot could be seen scattered around the place, some areas better organized than others. There was more than enough room for the nine people who had gathered together.

However, one of the members of the gang, Ryan, discovered one day that several of his fellow gang members, Alvin and Anna, were hiding a fairly considerable amount of money from the rest of the group. Knowing that this was against the gang's rules, he told his boss. Matthew, corrupted by greed and the dislike he felt for Alvin, manipulated the rest of the group by twisting the truth to get rid of the traitors and keep the money. Thus, thinking they had sold them to a rival gang for money, they ambushed them in their own hideout.

After that, the group left the city and traveled for a while until they settled in Kerath, one of the most important cities in the world. It didn't take them too long to build a new reputation among the city's criminal circles, even getting a contract with a very important figure who required them to take care of certain shady jobs, and officially giving the gang the name "Silver Blade". They became a much more dangerous group bit by bit, no longer making a living of exclusively stealing now.

What no one would have imagined was that one of the "traitors", Alvin, would miraculously survive the ambush and was on their trail to recover a very important item of his late friend, Anna. Although he had lost track of them upon arriving in the city, it was only a matter of time before their paths would cross again.

[If you are interested about the story of the betrayal, you can read it in more detail here]


Matthew (19)

The leader and founder of the gang, as well as the oldest of all its members. After suffering abuse since childhood from alcoholic and abusive parents, he ended up on the streets when his father was locked up for the murder of his mother. He adapted quickly to life on the streets, and one day he rescued a pair of kids of similar age when a bandit was about to kill them. They admire him a lot since then and follow him everywhere, and little by little more children joined them to create the group that it's today. He has great leadership skills and a silver tongue, which he unfortunately hasn't used for good. He is also an ambitious person who tries to aim higher and higher. Although he seems like a model leader to the rest of the gang, the one who he cares the most about is himself and his methods benefit him more than the others. He genuinely cared about the group once, but the feeling of power and his own greed eventually corrupted him. He hates it when someone questions and challenges him, which is why he quickly grew to dislike Alvin.

Alexandra (18)

A serious and arrogant girl who follows Matthew's orders to the letter, no matter how dirty the job is. She was abandoned by her mother as she didn't have enough money to raise her. She was much more fearful as a child, but since Matt rescued her, she decided that she would be the one to protect him from then on. She takes on anyone without showing a hint of fear and is one of the best fighters of the entire gang. She launches herself into the attack at the slightest hostility she detects in the environment, showing no mercy or qualms about killing. She barely socializes with anyone besides Matt and Travis, the others are a little afraid of her but at the same time they appreciate having someone so strong on their side. She is the one who knows Matthew's dirty secrets best, yet she never questions him.

Travis (17)

A young man big enough to scare more than one adult. His parents died in an accident while traveling and he barely managed to get to the city. He is very quiet, people rarely get to hear his voice. He expresses himself more through his own actions and is good at crafts. His presence goes very unnoticed despite his size, having scared his companions more than once by accident. Although Matt and Alex are the ones he spends the most time with, he gets along with the rest of the group. He sees Matt as an older brother and acts as his shield.

Alvin (15)

A serious, lonely and cunning boy who caught Matt's attention after hearing about his abilities. Due to his distrust, it took him a while to join and integrate into the gang, but he ended up getting along with most of them. However, his insolence and his ability to see through Matthew caused them to not get along very well. He and Anna, with whom he was in love, were secretly saving to leave that place and start over. His comrades tried to kill him accusing him of being a traitor, but he miraculously managed to survive. He is currently seeking to recover the medallion that was taken from Anna, following the trail of the others.

Kaito (16)

The only non-human of the group, an extroverted and slightly mischievous Shivari who talks a lot and is very curious and playful. His father was murdered by a group of people who hated his race, giving his son enough time to flee. He was very averse to humans for a while, but the gang helped soften that hatred a bit. Matt showed interest in him when he saw him fight and emerge victorious against a small group of people. He is the most agile of the team thanks to the traits of his race, and is very fast when attacking either with daggers or his own claws.

Dylan (14)

The youngest of the gang, being only 14 years old. Abandoned by his parents since childhood, he found refuge in the gang when Matthew found him badly injured after a beating. He is cheeky, carefree and has a great sense of humor, but tends to get into trouble. He is so used to lying that sometimes his own companions have difficulty discerning truth from fallacy. This, mixed with his dramatics, makes him a very good storyteller, and he is often the one in charge of distraction maneuvers. He has a lot of energy despite looking the opposite, although he can be a bit clumsy. Alvin, Kaito and him used to be good friends and often competed for the best loot. He specializes more in attacking from a distance, with crossbows being his weapon of choice.

Anna (16)

A happy and outgoing girl who took great care of her loved ones, treating them like her family. She always knew how to cheer up the group, acting as moral support for them. Her entire village was burned by bandits, with her being one of the few survivors. She always tried to avoid using violence and wasn't very good at fighting, but her sleight of hand was really good, and the reason why Matt wanted to recruit her. She dreamed of leaving behind her current lifestyle and starting over in a quiet place with Alvin, who she was in love with, and that's why she had been hiding part of her loot for a long time. She was killed by the rest of the group after accusing her of treason, stealing her family's beloved medallion in the process.

Ryan (17)

Cynthia's older brother. After losing their parents to bandits, he has done anything needed to raise his sister, whom he loves deeply. Matthew rescued them when he was trying to stop some adults from taking his sister, and offered them the safety of traveling as a group. He is a neat and calm boy with a good heart, many in the group see him as an older brother. He is the one who knows the most about first aid and the one who generally takes care of the injured, and he also has some basic notions of creating potions. He feels terribly guilty about what happened with Alvin and Anna and has frequent nightmares about that day, being the only one who knows the truth apart from Matt and his two lackeys. Although he remains in the gang out of pure fear, he has distanced himself considerably from the entire group and his own sister since then and has become much more somber. Only he knows that Alvin had a small chance of surviving the attack.

Cynthia (15)

Ryan's little sister. A rather gossipy and clever girl who is very good at gathering information and hiding, and therefore she acts as the gang's main informant. She is also the one in charge of disguising the group in robberies that require infiltration, having a good hand at sewing. She and Anna were very good friends, and nowadays she is still hurt by her “betrayal” and blames Alvin for having “corrupted” her, taking advantage of her feelings. She is worried about her brother's change, but she has never gotten him to tell her what was going on. She sometimes gets too carried away by her emotions.