💫〙⋮ Miss Mordeus



8 months, 11 days ago



- The Smiling Demon -

- nickname
Female (She/They)
- gender
- orientation
- age
- birthday
Deer Demon
- species
" Ooo, Decapitation sounds fun~! "

ordeus is tall, playful sinner demon with similar beige colored skin that a human would have, her expression is always a broad smile that shows all her sharp, yellow teeth although she has a golden tooth that sticks out. Standing at approximately 6'9, nearly 7'.

She has a creamy color of hair that matches her horns, which do extent into antler like appendages the more demonically distorted their form gets but by default they are the same color as her hair, patterned with a small black stripe known to be on imps of such with the company of evoking perked ears of that of a deer. Mordeus's have dark-red sclerae, bright-red irises and thin black pupils that can shift its shape and size.

Mordeus's outfit consists of a red cropped, pinstripe coat with grey cuffs at their arms end. Hiding in plain side is a grey shaded dress-shirt that exposes her womanly chest though accompanied by a pinkish-red, fancy bow to top it off. The same gray covering her hands with its similar pinkish-red fingertips strong enough to not be ripped by her clawed fingers.

The same creamy color has her hair and horns are also displayed shorts very short pair of shorts, showing off her long legs that lead down to long gray boots, shifting into the pink color once more.


Prideful . Playful . Resilient

Flirtatious . Optimistic . Carefree

Manipulative . Reckless . Possessive

When Mordeus isn't fighting or killing, she's usually seen at the Goetia castle talking to Stolas, looking around the place or in her room, sharpening her knifes, looking at her trophy collection or looking at her Sinstagram. She uses her knifes as darts to test their sharpness with the bullseye being. . a picture of Stella. as much as she wants to get rid of Stella and save Stolas from his abuse and neglect, what's stopping her is the rest of Stella's family going after her and wanting her dead in revenge, part of the reason why she won't intervene in the problem.

Out of all the people you'd see near Stolas' place (outside of Blitz), she's more of a playful and carefree soul, jokes around a lot, but when she is on her guard, she's as serious as can be, if breaking furniture or anything in the way helps protecting her friend, then so be it.





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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue, turpis in varius porttitor
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warnings : -
 L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi justo augue, venenatis vel faucibus ut, fringilla eget ligula. Quisque est leo, vehicula a scelerisque vitae, ultricies a ipsum. Nunc a commodo augue, non ornare metus. Donec tellus massa, tempor nec ante sed, consequat malesuada nunc. Phasellus suscipit vestibulum urna aliquam aliquet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Nunc vel ante sit amet tortor egestas blandit. Suspendisse sed congue ex, fringilla efficitur felis. Donec nisi mi, tincidunt eu ex at, sodales congue ligula. Suspendisse in diam rutrum, rutrum velit ut, eleifend felis. Cras at nulla at ex sagittis euismod in a magna. Vestibulum non dignissim dolor.

warnings : -
 L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi justo augue, venenatis vel faucibus ut, fringilla eget ligula. Quisque est leo, vehicula a scelerisque vitae, ultricies a ipsum. Nunc a commodo augue, non ornare metus. Donec tellus massa, tempor nec ante sed, consequat malesuada nunc. Phasellus suscipit vestibulum urna aliquam aliquet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Nunc vel ante sit amet tortor egestas blandit. Suspendisse sed congue ex, fringilla efficitur felis. Donec nisi mi, tincidunt eu ex at, sodales congue ligula. Suspendisse in diam rutrum, rutrum velit ut, eleifend felis. Cras at nulla at ex sagittis euismod in a magna. Vestibulum non dignissim dolor.


Raw Meat . Dark Humor . Chaos
- likes

Tea . Candy . Boredom
- dislikes

  • Mordeus is classified as an overlord but doesn't act like one, she's overly playful.
  • She has a thing for decapitation which can be eother considered normal or a weird but Mordeus doesn't like when the heads get in her way. She'll put it up as a trophy or discard it completely.
  • Mordeus is a peculiar hybird of two different demon species but she's more deer-like than imp.
  • She's Stolas's 2nd friend but how the unlikely pair met is in question. She often times acts as a personal bodyguard in certain situations.
  • Mordeus is fully aware of the abusive relationship Stolas has with his 'wife' but doesnt intervene as its not any of her business.

  • Her tail is very optional between deer or imp, often times its the imp tail but I dont mind.
  • Mordeus's horns are very small, small enough that infact they can hide within her hair if she wanted them too.
  • Mordeus only wears comfortable clothing that exposes the skin, she doesnt like to be enclosed as they easily get hot and being hot makes her grumpy.
  • Mordeus is 6'9, this is including her ear reach.


- weapon

- range




The Smile
10/10 effectiveness.
 D uring battle, she gives off a big smile to confuse and frighten her opponent, she waits until they are frozen in place to send one last attack.
she uses this to her advantage of finish a fight quickly or to frighten people away



Close Friends

"You're a great friend, M"
 Mordeus and Stolas have been friends since Stolas was in his teens, nobody knows how they met, but she is a Close Friend to Stolas and often times act like one of his Bodyguards 


"I love your smile, darling"
 Mordeus' major inspiration for most of her things is the Radio Demon himself, Alastor.

They have encountered in the past plenty of times, giving each other complements and being friendly with one another.