September 2023 | Style

September 2023

Style Challenge

Hello! This month we're back trying to make a style challenge work :'). Below are two coding "styles" - take a look at the different elements, and let them inspire you!

The key word for this challenge is style inspiration - you do not have to directly recreate anything in the style sketches. Instead, pick out the elements you like, tweak them to your personal taste, and use them to make a code of your own! This challenge is more freeform, so you're encouraged to add matching elements, make tweaks and put your own spin on the provided styles.

Feel free to change colours, border-radiuses, fonts, sizes etc. as long as they're cohesive within your own layout. The sketches are designed to work with both bootstrap and custom colours, though some parts will require messing with opacities. If you can't figure out how to recreate a particular element, tweak it to your skill level!

lined.png window.png

The Challenge:

  • Create a code inspired by the provided style sketches.

You may...

  • Tweak things to your own taste/skill level!

You may not...

  • Frankenstein, copy or take heavy inspiration from other coders. All code should be your own.

Your posted code should link back to this challenge - it can simply be linked in a text block above the preview.

You only need to make one code to recieve your challenge point - however, you can make another code using the other style sketch for a bonus point.

Submissions will close on September 25th.

Have any comments, questions, concerns or feedback?


Finished with your code?