Nadya Tkachenko



9 months, 8 hours ago



Nadya Tkachenko Discoverer of the Multiverse


NAME Nadya Tkachenko

AGE 26

BIRTHDAY February 28




JOB Theoretical Physicist

ORIENTATION Demiromantic Asexual

ALIGNMENT Neutral Good


A master of many trades who will go to any length to benefit society. Gifted as a young girl, Nadya has a passion for expanding the world's knowledge on science and the universe beyond comprehension. She is kind to a fault and has a little bit of a rebellious streak against expectations for her. While people don't take her as seriously as she would like, Nadya always tries her best for herself and for the greater good.

As of now, nobody seems to know where Nadya is- even her older sister, Yelena. She seems to have suddenly disappeared without a single trace, leaving her legacy and work in the hands of her partner-in-crime. The world seems to remember fondly of her contribution to science, but can't help but wonder where she possibly could be...


Nadya is best described as incredibly passionate. The woman will put in 500% into whatever she sets her mind to and is willing to put up all parts of herself if it meant bettering the world around her. She is smart to extraordinary degrees, but overall lacks the smugness that usually comes with wisdom. However, the woman is somewhat weak willed and is likely to bend to the requests of her peers and authority. Nadya, at the end of the day, tries her best to live the life she wishes while also accomodating the happiness of others.

  • Robots/Androids
  • Rock 'N Roll
  • Being Outdoors
  • Helping Others
  • Selfishness
  • Nuts
  • Societal Expectations
  • Being Alone

Gifted Childhood

Nadya Tkachenko was born during the reign of the Soviet Union and spent most of her childhood interested in the sciences. She was especially extraordinary as she presented a much higher reading and writing skill compared to her classmates. Her family desperately tried to steer her into a "normal girl's" life with some dolls and other feminine hobbies, but to no avail. However, she eventually learned that robots made her the happiest child; she read up plenty of manuals and novels on androids as her fixation grew. At the age of ten, she revealed to her family that she tinkered with the household microwave and converted it into a simple robot capable of speech and response.

With such feats, Nadya caught the attention of her teachers and eventually the government. She was commissioned to provide aid and her expertise on robotics in return for support for her family. The young girl honed her skills in coding under the watchful eye of her supervisors and mentors in Leningrad; Nadya barely had a moment to herself as she aged and grew to resent the authority constantly monitoring her progress.

Leaving the Soviet Union

Nadya grew unhappy with her job in the government by the age of 16. She had larger ambitions for her expertise and knew that her position would eventually stifle her passions into adulthood. The teenager was approached by the American government to bring her talents over to the States. With a heavy heart, Nadya left home in order to pursue her passions her own way.

Life in America was not easy. She knew very little English, had no family and was met with glares for the rest of her teenage years. It also did not help that Nadya was officially a non-person in the Soviet Union once she escaped her country. For the majority of her highschool years, she spent it alone or with the company of a kind physics teacher. Not only did she have a talent for coding, she displayed extraordinary skill in physics and was encouraged by her mentors to pursue a career in that field. Nadya followed said advice well into adulthood under the assumption that her work would benefit society best in this position regardless of the discrimination she faced. She was intiially content with the choices with her career and even began to gain the respect from her peers. However, at the age of 25, her entire life changed once she discovered rifts in the universe.

It began with strange shifts in the world- objects being misplaced, certain roads being off despite walking down them every single day, and even people began to disappear out of nowhere. Nadya took the time to make note of her findings, and eventually submitted the culmination of her research: a thesis on the Theoretical Existence of the Multiverse. Her paper was met with some resistance initially, but Nadya soon became recognized as a model scientist in her field and even was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Project .exe

Nadya knew that her research would only be seen as theoretical; nobody was able to prove the physicality of the multiple universe theory after all. This propelled the woman into providing solid proof of the worlds beyond hers. For the next couple of months, Nadya kept to herself in order to study the Multiverse further and discovered another form of herself. This woman called herself Yelena Miloslovskaya, and the two shared the exact same genetic material. Despite their similarities, the pair came to the conclusion that the differences of their respective worlds shaped them into different people. Yelena abandoned her world to stay with her "sister's" with the promise of aiding in their studies.

The two sisters understood that they could do so much more with their combined knowledge than simply contacting their alternate forms. Some individuals might not be as enthusiastic with discovering their other selves after all... Instead, Nadya suggested in creating their own artificial universe with materials of glass- the objects that led her to Yelena. Project .exe was officially formed as the pair pieced together synthetic resources, eventually formulating the world of Eden.

Project .Eve

In an attempt to test Eden, Nadya tried to assess the simulation and its multiple outcomes. However, she somehow got transported to their artificial world and has been stuck in Eden ever since. The scientist is completely unaware of her entrapment, forever cursed to relive her own simulation until Yelena finds a way to remove her.

  • Nadya was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics "for her theoretical contributions in multiple universe research and string theory"
  • Her beloved robotic microwave was never recovered after she left the USSR
  • Attended the Leningrad Secondary School #239
  • Surprisingly decent at golf if she tried

ABOUT: Yelena Miloslavskaya

One of Nadya's alternate forms and the only one she was able to physically contact. After her discovery of the Multiverse, Nadya was able to bring Yelena into her own universe and the pair played the part of sisters. They both worked together on Project .exe in order to create their own artificial universe, but Nadya soon got trapped inside the program. She is currently at the mercy of her alternate sister.