Express // winter train snake



8 months, 25 days ago


wip before i made the code, still thinking some things

-adult or retired elderly, not sure yet

-Gentle and calm, has enormous patience

-Lives in a village in a place where it always snows

-Has pet rats, they all have a wind-up toy "crank" on their back (i have no ideia what this is called, help) and they have different colors

-Train conductor? maybe retired and now just helps people lost in the snow with his lights

-Builds toys in his free time, pet mice are some of them

-Loves hoodies and sweaters, especially the tacky ones

-Loves hot chocolate and sweets

-Without clothes it's easy to lose him in the snow. At night, his lights create a somewhat frightening image, some people who got lost in snowstorms and only saw the lights swore they were going to the afterlife

-His organs and blood are like a boiler, so his body is always hot, some people get warm just by being close to him. If this boiler gets cold he gets sick, so he always heats it up again by consuming hot foods/drinks

-Sneezes smoke/steam