


7 months, 26 days ago


Name: Zephiel (Nicknames: Zeph, Z, Zephily, Philip/Phil Zephiel… etc, could go on.)
Gender: All of them, none of them, whoo-ee!
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 6000+ Years (Appears like he’s aging gracefully into his late forties.)
Height: 6ft, 3in
Species: Angel

Zephiel, being an angel, is supposed to be 100% righteous, 100% holy, 100% kind, etc, but he’s… not. Not exactly.
Zephiel often finds himself wondering how he managed to not fall in the old days. His faith in the Ineffable Plan is lukewarm at best, and he can’t help but fall prey to the same fallacies that cause problems for humans. He’s cynical, he’s rude, and he’s not actually that nice to be around, and that’s on a good day.

Yet, despite that, he’s managed to land himself a spot as Heaven’s envoy in the United States, where he spends most of his time working in chartered accountancy, and does good only when he needs to meet his quota. He doesn’t dislike doing good, per say, he just tries his best to do the bare minimum that will keep him comfortable on Earth without the chance that he’ll be “promoted” back to his desk job in Heaven.

He’s a bit fashion-backward, time-wise, he wears clothes decades out of style, yet most people don’t seem to bat an eye, considering that seems to be his personality. His jacket and signature yellow turtleneck were purchased some time back in the late sixties, early seventies, and he doesn’t often deviate. He does need glasses, but mainly only for reading, hence the fact that they’re only perched on his nose.

Unlike many of his angelic brethren, Zephiel doesn’t fear the agents of Hell, nor does he fear Hell itself. He has a convoluted sort of respect for them, often bordering between disdain and intrigue. It may be helped by the fact that one of the only constant familiar faces in his life is a demon, Roxiflr.

Zephiel’s opinion on Roxiflr is nothing like his opinion on the demon’s cohorts. Where he despises most other demons, he only finds Roxiflr an annoyance, and where he is merely intrigued by the fallen, he finds Roxiflr amicable and interesting, so much so that, if he were to voice it, he’d be severely admonished, considering that Roxiflr is the Enemy, and, also, his demonic counterpart as Hell’s United States envoy.

Zephiel is understandably very concerned that his- for lack of a better definition- fondness for the demon will get them both in high trouble from their respective head offices, so much so that he hides his feelings from Roxiflr himself. After all, all the demon seems to ever want to do his annoy the living daylights out of him, so it’s not like there’s any love lost there. Of course, this has caused problems in the past, as Roxiflr, he’s noticed, is a highly emotional demon who lets his heart, rather than his more rational mind, steer his actions, but those occurrences were few and far between, and their lunches and bar meetups always picked back up not long after.

Speaking of lunches and bar meetups, Zephiel is also one of the very few angels who partakes in, as Gabriel often says, “Sullying the temple”. He isn’t a regular eater, but he’ll order the odd salad (or, most often, his Achellies heel, cheesecake. Roxiflr often is able to tempt him into it without much work.), and he’s a regular drinker. Not alcoholic regular, but he is a familiar face around the wineries of the U.S.

Due to the nature of his chosen career in chartered accountancy, Zephiel is able to plausibly be out of office very often. He tends to hop around America weekly, as the country is, after all, very large. He spends most of his time, however, in his office in Virginia, which he shares with two different accountants, who are both ”friends” in the sense that they’ll chat during their breaks and sometimes go out drinking together.

Zephiel is actually quite a good accountant, and it’s not all because of miracle work. He’s just got a mind for it. As he spends most of his time out doing only the bare minimum of good deeds, he makes up for it all by slipping helpful, often life-changing, little miracles into the accounts of his less-fortunate customers. These are miracles that tends to slide by head office, so he employs them frivolously (He also allows Roxiflr to, ever so often, do some demonic miracles of his own to less-than-pleasant, corporate accounts, but those can’t be traced back to him, just like said messed-up accounts.).

Zephiel owns a Carolina blue 1957 Chevy Bel Air Fuelie, referred to as the Fuelie for no other reason than he thinks it sounds cooler than Chevy. He bought it new and he is very proud of it. It’s his prized possession, and he is extremely careful with it, despite the fact that he can fix it with miracles if anything ends up happening to it. He tends to drive safely, though he does speed. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, despite what you may believe. Zephiel is very picky about who he allows to ride in the Fuelie, he doesn’t want any dirt or filth in it. Despite this fact, Roxiflr rides in it quite often, though Zephiel acts like he’s being extremely inconvenienced every time.

More often than not, the angel Loriel will pop by to visit Zephiel, who only barely tolerates them. They refer to him as their ”brother-in-arms”, and are very clearly affectionate towards him (Relationships between angels, while not forbidden, are looked down upon, so Zephiel is sure Loriel will never make a move.). Roxiflr often teases Zephiel about it.