


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Eros 'Ros' Celeste Valentino




Eros is an interesting balance of opposites- At once lackadaisical and dynamic. Playful and no-nonsense. While he may appear lazy and ambitionless, Eros is in actuality just a bit of an alpha in temperament. He hates not being in control and when plans collapse without warning. Ros is cunning and manipulative, whatever he wants to accomplish is as good as done, no matter what he has to do to make this a reality. It's rather fortunate, then, that beneath his callous air, Eros conceals a rather healthy Hero Complex. It bothers him whenever he feels helpless, but not being able to help others makes him feel worse. Eros strives to remain calm and levelheaded no matter the situation, preferring to act as the voice of reason- and authority. His temper is always cool and calculating, yet he indulges in lighthearted teasing when in favorable company- Usually at others' expense.

Backstory 1:

Eros has had his 'Gift' ever since he can remember, and unsure what to make of it, has always kept it hidden. This didn't prevent him from using it, however, usually in his efforts to right a wrong. These incidents usually placed him in the wrong place at the wrong time- and resulted in his entering a confrontation, indirectly or not, with everyone from drunk fathers to street thugs. Believing him to be merely acting out, Ros's parents sent him to a prestigious boarding school in New York, and he moved to New York City upon graduating. He lives in a penthouse apartment, with his main personal source of income being the cases he occasionally works with a private detective and family friend. Eros's childhood was more or less normal- for a filthy rich kid with supernatural abilities. His parents still call occasionally.


Eros literally has the worst sweet tooth ever- He'd be dead if it weren't for Saros hiding his candy and substituting carrot cake for actual carrots. If he's not eating candy, he's chewing gum. He hates his name and birthday- February 14th- so very much and introduces himself as 'Ross'. Just Ross. Call him Cupid and he will fight you. Eros may not look it, but his combative background has made him a skilled fighter, though he also excels with ranged weaponry. Saros is the only person allowed to say that he has 'Cupid's Aim' without suffering overmuch. Eros is Italian and speaks with a faint accent. While not exactly innocent, unlike his name suggests, Eros isn't interested in romance and outright despises the notion of it.