

Height: 7ft 6in
Weight: Unknown, but very dense
Pronouns: He doesn't care what you call him
Orientation: He doesn't care about this either
Age: 31
Nicknames: Red or CR (He prefers either of these to his full official name)
Magic Type: Transformation and absorption (can burn and absorb other beings' essence)

   CR is a Servit, a species of creature that is cybernetic by nature, but the machinery, cords and other bits resemble and act like biological organisms through the use of both electricity and magic. In this case, he is a Servit infected by a virus to the point he is the virus now. 


    He wasn't always like this. CR used to be a normal Servit, though somewhat shy and reserved. He worked in the sales department of his company and was becoming quite good at his job. He was becoming recognized for his work, and he knew a promotion was sure to come his way. Unfortunately, he would never see this day arrive, because soon after he was attacked by some sort of horrible monster. It tore him apart, and he would have died if not for someone watching and slinking about in the shadows. That day he was built back up and reborn into the virus he is now.

    CR is a simple man now. He works for the crazy doctor who saved his life as an assistant. Sometimes he helps with the virus samples. Sometimes he helps with disposing of the bodies from failed experiments, which he is very good at. Due to his virulent nature, he is able to burn through or melt most material with just the tips of his fingers/claws. This is his favorite form of consumption, as normal eating tends to be too messy for his liking. He has the fangs to do so, however, should he be in one of those rare absolutely feral moods (or if you piss him off enough). Because of this, he can make most of his or the doctor's victims disappear fairly quickly, and he absorbs whatever information from the body he deems important. He can also attack and infect others with his built-in stinger tail should he be in the particular mood to do so.

    He doesn't really remember who he used to be after the doctor fixed him up. His name and where he worked are gone from his memory, though sometimes he wonders who the old him used to be. Surely he had friends or family who were missing him, but it's been years since that day. And even if he did remember them, they would only see him as a monster and a threat to them. No, he's better off where he's at. Sure he hates being indebted to the doc for saving his life, but it isn't too bad. He gets to learn a thing or two about how viruses work, and he gets regular meals. He just wishes doc would stop leaving three-day-old ramen lying around. He hates pasta now.

    Strangely, he has a bit of a minor friendship with Audie. He sometimes tagged along with the doctor on his business trips to visit Popup, and Audie would sometimes be there while he stood off to the side. The orange Servit always seemed a bit on the shy side, but one day they came up to him and started chatting, and he never discouraged them. CR even started to look forward to these trips just to talk with the friendly fellow. He thinks they are a good kid and one of the few people he enjoys being around. 

    He has some sort of connection to Matthew/Calldin, but what it is he won't say (Matt won't tell you either).


   CR is not one to be trifled with. While he's usually rather chill for what he is, he is known to become malicious and cruel at the drop of a hat. He does not make friends with people easily and often sees them as being nothing more than an annoyance or a quick snack. He enjoys threatening and teasing his prey in order to bring out their fear, which he drinks in with great pleasure. His default setting is apathy and a blank look in his eyes, though his mouth is always fixed into some form of smile, grimace, or bearing of fangs. If you somehow become his friend, however, you will have a strong ally who will have your back and take out those who hurt you (whether you want it or not).