


8 months, 28 days ago


  • Name Tar Whirlpool
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Clan Dawnclan/Non
  • Role Mediator
Tar Whirlpool
20 ☽`s
  • Age
  • Gender

"Cats don't change."

"Born in a two legs`s house, she always dreamed of freedom and looked for a way to it, but sometimes you have to pay for freedom..."


Tar was born in a twoleg place and until her ten moons she lived within four walls, which quickly bored her.
She often went outside the house to communicate with cats in the neighborhood and near her home.

During one of these walks, she was attacked by a small group of rogue. She met such cats for the first time and it was with their help that she realized that she was much weaker than she thought.They attacked her, defending their territory, and she had no choice but to flee. In an attempt to escape, she fell into the tar pit.

She would have drowned if at the last moment she had not been saved by a cat named Golden Eagle.
Golden Eagle introduced himself as a cat of the "Shadow"Clan and consoled her. Under his leadership, she began to study in the Twilight Forest and along the way learned everything about tribes, faith and laws.
Discovering the freedom and world she dreamed of.
But her training did not last long, she soon found out who her friend was in fact and did not forgive him for his lies, but it was already too late. Fearing for her family she leaving home, she went to explore the mountains, forests and terrain. And also find answers to questions that have accumulated in abundance, still being a pawn in the tenacious clutches of the spirits of the "Twilight Forest"

Starting to travel.


♍︎ - 04/09

Tar left her home and began studying under the guidance of "Golden eagle" because of the interest that gripped her and the desire to become stronger and learn new things.
But having encountered even more unpleasant things and the truth she has broken,but could no longer abandon the Twilight Forest, subsequently sacrificing the freedom of “Lion Roar” and “Kite Shadow” in order to free herself.

She is a rather controversial.
It’s not uncommon for her to stand between two banks, choosing a place as an assistant and being afraid that she might ruin something, but over time she struggles with her internal problems and solves them.
She can make sacrifices for a good purpose, acting as a hero for some and a villain for others.To her family and friends, she is always open, friendly and sweet, wanting to do everything in her power for them.
She quickly adapts to her surroundings but does not like particularly close companies, preferring to be alone with those who are closer to her. She gets tired quickly and later finds solace and tranquility in solitude with nature

Cunning, two-faced, cruel to one.
Good-natured, cheerful and gentle to others.


  • her family and friends
  • freedom
  • nature - herbs/mountains/sky/waterways
  • night


  • bright light
  • nntrusiveness/arrogance
  • heat
  • feeling helpless/not having the opportunity to help

interesting details

Facts and details about the character

-If she were human, she would listen and love all styles of music the same.
(-applies to the anthro version of the character-)
-She can’t hide her emotions, and if she tries, her tail will give her away.