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Base Value

$0(Trade? Art payments)

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Co-Owned with LilGalaxyBork


25 years old
August 10th
Kingdom Of Sopdet
Surface Pressure
Jessica Darrow


In the beginning, Icarus lived a life of privilege and luxury, born into a somewhat wealthy family that provided him with all he desired. His days were filled with comfort and ease, shielded from the hardships of the outside world. However, as he approached his teen years, his father made a momentous decision that would alter the course of Icarus’s life. His father, seeking to prepare his son for the harsh realities of the world, decided to send Icarus away to learn the art of combat. Oblivious to his father’s intentions, Icarus willingly embraced this new endeavor, eager to please his father and demonstrate his worth. Little did he know that this path would lead him to the edge of misery. As Icarus immersed himself in the rigorous training, he found himself facing physical and emotional challenges he had never encountered before. The pressure to excel weighed heavily on him, and he struggled to keep up with the intense demands of his father’s expectations. Yet, he persisted, determined to prove himself, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. One fateful day, Icarus’s father took him to a seedy underground fight ring, hoping that his son’s newfound combat skills would secure a big prize. Unbeknownst to Icarus, his father’s intentions were far from honorable.

As the fight progressed, Icarus found himself pitted against a formidable opponent. Despite his best efforts, the young warrior was overpowered, leaving him weak and unable to rise. In a shocking twist, Icarus was blindfolded and forcibly taken to a mysterious laboratory, inhabited by unscrupulous humans conducting sinister experiments. Bound and defenseless, he became the unwilling subject of their insidious tests. They injected him with an array of chemicals in an attempt to harness his combat abilities, leaving him in a state of agonizing uncertainty. Weeks passed in captivity, during which Icarus endured unimaginable pain and torment. However, in the darkest hour, a glimmer of hope emerged. A legendary fox fury, said to be wise and compassionate, crossed paths with Icarus in the depths of the lab. This mystical creature sensed the innate goodness within Icarus and offered a lifeline of assistance. Together, they orchestrated a daring escape, using the fox fury’s cunning and Icarus’s remaining strength to outwit their captors.

The journey to freedom was fraught with peril, but the bond that formed between Icarus and the fox fury provided them with the strength to persevere. Once they broke free from the laboratory’s confines, Icarus began to feel the effects of the chemicals that had been injected into him. At first, he feared the worst, unsure of what the experimental concoctions would do to his body. However, as days passed, he discovered that these substances had unlocked a hidden reservoir of strength and power within him. With his newfound abilities, Icarus vowed to use them for good, to protect the innocent and stand against injustice. He embraced his role as a warrior but added a crucial element to his character—empathy. The suffering he endured in the lab had made him keenly sensitive to the struggles of others, motivating him to become not just a skilled fighter, but a true leader who led with compassion and understanding. Thus, Icarus embarked on a new journey, one that merged his once luxurious past with the harsh realities of his present. He became a beacon of hope and inspiration, a symbol of resilience, and a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Through his experiences, Icarus learned that true leadership was not about dominance or power but about using his abilities to protect and uplift others, ensuring that no one else would suffer the way he once did.

"See if he can handle every family burden"

  • Reading Scrolls
  • Training
  • His Home Being Clean
  • Cooking New Recipes
  • His Adopted Son
  • Chicken
  • Being Locked Up
  • Biscuits
  • Being Pressured
  • Loud Places
Icarus's Personality

Icarus is the epitome of a natural-born leader, effortlessly commanding respect and admiration from those around him. He possesses an aura of confidence and assurance that draws others towards him. Yet, beyond this commanding exterior lies a heart brimming with kindness and empathy.He has an uncanny ability to sense the struggles and concerns his friends may be facing, and he never hesitates to offer his unwavering support. Icarus is the one his friends turn to in times of need, knowing that he will listen without judgment and offer guidance with genuine care.

His sensitivity to their emotions makes him a trusted confidant, someone they can rely on no matter the circumstance.While he takes his responsibilities seriously and approaches challenges with a focused and straightforward attitude, Icarus is not immune to the allure of fun and joy. He revels in moments of lightheartedness, easily becoming just as silly and laid back as his friends when the occasion permits. This ability to let loose and enjoy life’s lighter moments not only endears him to his peers but also helps foster stronger bonds within the group.

The Beginning

From the moment Ammut hatched, he was showered with luxury and extravagance. His parents, belonging to a prominent and wealthy lineage, doted on him, adorning him in lavish outfits to accentuate his already regal appearance. He was the embodiment of elegance, raised in a world of opulence where his every whim was catered to. The name "Ammut" itself held deep significance, as it was bestowed upon him in honor of his great grandfather, a valiant protector who had once saved his father's life from an impending threat, cementing their family's legacy.

Amidst the riches and status, Ammut grew up in an environment where his every need was met with indulgence. However, as he matured, he began to wonder if there was more to life than material wealth and superficiality. Despite being named after a heroic ancestor, Ammut felt a sense of responsibility to live up to that name and forge his path, not merely relying on his family's past glories. Little did he know that this quest for meaning would lead him on a transformative journey, where he would discover his fathers addiction and overcome those problems.

The Present

In a moment of courage and determination, Ammut decided to shed his old identity and embrace a new name— Icarus. The weight of his past was haunting him, and he yearned to leave it behind, seeking a fresh start and a chance to redefine himself. Despite his efforts to escape the memories that lingered in his dreams, they would resurface from time to time, a reminder of the challenges he had faced in his previous life. Nonetheless, Icarus found solace in his newfound identity, vowing to create a future filled with purpose and meaning, untethered from the shadows of his past.

As Icarus wandered through a dense forest, seeking a new place to call home, fate intervened in the form of an unexpected discovery. In a hidden glade, he stumbled upon a mysterious egg, seemingly abandoned. Feeling a deep connection to this enigmatic find, he took it under his wing, determined to care for it until its hatching. When the momentous day arrived, a small head popped out from the cracking shell, and the hatchling gazed up at Icarus with innocent wonder. The bond between the two was instant and profound, and Icarus knew he had found his purpose—to raise and protect this young dragon as a father figure, providing the love and care he yearned for in his own past. In the hatchling, Icarus saw a chance to give the life he could never have with his own father, creating a future of warmth, understanding, and unconditional love.

"Who am I if I don't have what it takes?"


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Code by winston
- winston#0102