Cheese Curds Cookie



8 months, 12 days ago


Age: 60000(60)

Gender: Cheese

Species: Cookie goddess

Status:  ???

Sexuality: “why do you want to know ;)”

Occupation: “I’m a god silly!!!”

Birthday: January 1


Appearance: Cheese Curds is a tall person with curly yellow hair with blue highlights and side bangs. They wear a very nice uniform that is a steam punk theme but looks like from his neck, wrist and ankle, He has been changed up from his wrongdoing from his past life. They they carry them self a time which grant people time and wishes.

Personality: Cheese Curds is as ruthless as he is cunning. He tends to manipulate people through times and wishes, although all he actually wishes is to regain his goddess form to reset the whole universe for a incident that happened to him in his past life.

Backstory: “I don’t have a sad, snobby story like the rest of you slobs HA!”

Other information/fun fact

what does the time bag do? basically, they use the hand of the clock to go forward or backwards, which makes them control the future and past. Once they have the correct day and year they can just simply open up their bag and go jumping where he can explore the world setting.


