Mozzarella Bread Cookie



8 months, 13 days ago


Age: 16

Gender: cis female

Species: cookie

Status: alive

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: the guard of lightning

Birthday: September 21

Relationship: Camebert Cookie(brother), Kiwi Jam Cookie(best friends), Sour Cream Cookie(friends) and Swiss Roll Cookie(friends)

Appearance: Mozzarella bread is a 5’4 tall girl with curled up, ponytails that wears a vintage steampunk dress, long gloves, striped stockings and long heeled boots

Personality: mozzarella bread, is kind by nature and has been described by others as having very gentle eyes. However, despite her kind and understanding nature, mozzarella bread does have a limit to her tolerance and has a distaste for rudeness and cowardice 

Backstory: At the age of seven mozzarella bread had a brother, she always looked up to him like a model, She wanted to be smart and helpful to people's just like her brother did she always ask her brother if he could help her how to build machines she learns a little bit from him because he would be always busy from work 

at the age of 13 her brother let her visit the time balance department so she can know how everything works around there her brother could give her a little bit of time to see how things work after she left to go home she sat down and turned on the TV, She saw that the building was In damage nobody knew what was going on, but they knew something wrong was happening. Mozzarella bread came to the building as fast as she can but they couldn't let her in since the building was on fire.

After they put out the fire, they tried to find any body who was in the building if they survived from the fire mozzarella bread waited all day to see if her brother made it out. Sadly one of the firefighters came up to her and told her he didn't make it, and they couldn't even find his body. Mozzarella bread had no idea how to react because she believed that her brother is still alive, but who knows if he is or not.

At the age of 15 she had a huge deep depression, and felt like her career is all over since she always wanted to work at the same place where her brother was at so she can spend more time with him, but now she has nothing and she has no idea if they te going to rebuild it or not when she missed her brother, she always goes to his room and look at is inventions that he did after she saw all of her brother inventions she was about to leave but she accidentally slipped on a screwdriver fell on her brother bookshelf where a box with a bow fell on her head and hit on the ground which opened the box. Which revealed a present for mozzarella bread that is a golden wrench she finds it so beautiful that she started crying but it started glowing then a sword came out she panic and threw it then it went back to normal she was so confused but saw a note that said "happy 15 birthday birthday mozzarella bread I'm so glad that you grew up around me so I can teach you this amazing things I was taught and my gift for you is a present that I've been working on for a very long time it may look like an ordinary wrench but it's actually a time sword. I think this would come in handy since you love fixing stuff that you love so it only comes out beautifully. when you feel any emotion be careful when you use it a surprise will come out ;) love, Camembert cookie" after mozzarella bread read that she picked up the wrench and decided not to be a mechanic anymore, but a sword fighter, and that's when she started her journey.

Other information/fun fact

she has a very good nose to smell.

when she lies, she can’t keep a straight face

The wrench she use as a sword can get more powerful with her emotions

she really enjoys a home cooked meal and would finish everything on the plate even to the last piece of rice

her favorite food is red bean buns and loves them especially when Kiwi jam father makes him