Rattlemoth ✽'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

CloudyMilku Global Rules

1. Once you get em, you can do whatever you want, it's yours, but if you use my designs for hateful stuff, that has nothing to do with me and please do not drag me into your drama

2. Always credit my designs! If you decide to redesign them to the point it's not recognizable, that's fine! Just credit the old design, If you bring them off-site, please leave a link back to my th 

3. Not a very strict rule and I won't hunt you down for this but don't sell my designs unless there is added art, if there isn't any additional art, then please only trade or gift them, ofc if you do sell them then it's fine, especially if you are in an emergency, it's just for my personal comfort (and that doesn't really matter anyway cuz I don't own the design anymore) 

4. If you got the character for free, then please only give them out for free as well unless there is added art! Wta, raffle etc, idc as long as you're not selling or trading them