The Doctor



6 years, 1 day ago


Name Doctor
Age 1,000ish years
Height 5'10"
Gender agender
Pronouns he/him
Species timelord
Orient. demi
Taken? can't remember?
Home his ship
World none
Job space detective
Creator me!!!
Status no longer around
A heavier, less animated regeneration than before, the Doctor is broad shouldered and warm/welcoming in both body language and face. He smiles a lot, and it's easily reflected in his eyes. He prefers dark, simple, and more contemporary clothing styles (he thinks it looks cool with his thicker physique).

Eleven is calm, coordinated, and disconnected with most of the angst that comes with being a 1000+ year old war criminal. He has a good amount of patience that he hadn't had when he was younger, and rather than pushing people to shine, he prefers to let them push themselves and shine on their own. He likes talking, explaining, teaching, finds himself becoming warmer and more open with his feelings and past. His boundless energy has become controllable, simmering down so that he is excitable, but not a flurry.

The Doctor does have a tendency to sit and reflect about current mistakes and decisions, studying outcomes to figure out ways to prevent them in the future. He also enjoys quietly reminiscing in grassy fields, missing something he will never have again.

The Doctor found Callista working a minimum pay job in Seattle, Washington, 2034. At the time, the city had been pulled into a time portal, repeating the day, over and over, again and again. Together, they found the source (an alien, afraid, just wanted all the scary things to stop) and brought it home. At first, Callista was hesitant to follow, but she fell behind the Doctor's step like she belonged there. Callista opened up and grew strong, fast-witted, and alert, and the Doctor welcomed her enthusiasm warmly after years of having nothing (of course he would, she was brilliant).

A few months into their adventures, with little gone awry, the Doctor noticed something strange warping through an area of Italy. The signal brought them to a park, and it turns out a creature had warped onto Earth, hungry and scared from the separation from its pack. It was see through, and causing quite the commotion as something unseeable was preying on innocent citizens walking through the park. There, the Doctor and Callista met Silvio, an angry, resentful shell of a man. With his help, and his ability to see the creature, the Doctor was able to send it somewhere else, far away from planet Earth.

Silvio agreed to come with them, and with a lot of coaxing and patience from the Doctor, they began to click like the Doctor hadn't before with any other companion. It's amazing what an ancient, one-of-a-kind alien and a bitter 1930s lawyer can do when you put them in a room together, as the saying goes.

The Doctor found a home between Callista and Silvio, and when Callista truly found her place in her heart and decided to return to her real family, the Doctor found it easier to let her go than he ever thought. Silvio did not leave by choice, but always wished the Doctor had never told him, "I will never forget you."

The last thing the Doctor remembers is a sharp stinging in his head, and the feeling of losing time. He meets a little girl, then loses her. Then, years later, he dies.

  • early morning sun
  • the tardis
  • coffee, black
  • the serenity of outerspace
  • a voice he can barely remember
  • naps
  • people twisting his words
  • loneliness
  • disclosure
  • rushing into things
  • brain freeze
  • human music from the early 2000s

Sed ante velit, convallis ut mattis sed, varius in ipsum. Nulla eget risus in tortor elementum viverra tincidunt eget leo. Vestibulum quis quam a lectus auctor dignissim id vel purus. Donec ligula tellus, vehicula euismod finibus sed, gravida vitae erat.


Sed ante velit, convallis ut mattis sed, varius in ipsum. Nulla eget risus in tortor elementum viverra tincidunt eget leo. Vestibulum quis quam a lectus auctor dignissim id vel purus. Donec ligula tellus, vehicula euismod finibus sed, gravida vitae erat.

Name Doctor
Age big old
Height 6'0"
Gender agender
Pronouns he/him
Species timelord
Orient. demi
Taken? yes
Home his friends
World gone now
Job doing his best
Creator still me
Status alive
Messily groomed hair and stubble abound, the Doctor usually has a smile on his face and a twinkle to his eye. His outfit usually consists of whatever your grandfather wore in the twenties (a thick overcoat, buttoned suit-shirt, suspenders, tie). His shoes, however, never read the memo.

At his best, the Doctor is awake and alive, rearing to move at the first thought of adventure. He hates sitting still, feels the air getting stagnant even before it has a chance to settle. He is both selfish and giving, and full to the brim with conviction and hypocrisy, but that is the reason he does not like to travel alone. He loves to, and wants to, impress people and show them the universe by means of growth. It is within other people that he lights his fire and finds reason to burn -- he wants to show them all that he knows, all that they're worth.

What he would never say is that other people are also an excuse for him to run far away from his past. Under his skin broils something dark, aching to burst from captivity. The Doctor hides his woes and fears well, but they both have a tendency to catch up to him.

In particular, Twelve has found himself fearing the unknown. He is the final iteration, and the only Time Lord left. It is not because his kind will go extinct that he fears, but that he may never find peace with himself in the end. Having been shot through the chest with a spear by a young woman in her apartment, the Doctor died and breathed anew, jolting upright as a man with a new face. The girl, Aletta, was fascinating, and left her miserable city life to travel with him across the stars. Together they met an incredible amount of aliens, saved many lives and fought for what they believed in -- Aletta pulled herself together like a star, shining bright for the first time in her life. The Doctor loved her fiercely.

Then, through terrible circumstance, Aletta had been followed through the universe by a creature called Fenya, who had picked up a strange, captivating song that Aletta carried with her. Also, a massive amount of cybermen. In the end, the Doctor had to save Aletta from Fenya's hungry maw by sending her through a portal to a new dimension, where he thought she would be safe, and where her parents were alive. In doing this, Fenya was torn asunder.

From there, the Doctor vaguely searched for fifteen years for a way to bring Aletta back. He told himself she would be happy, and eventually tried to move on from his loss by means of excellent adventure. Through these adventures, the Doctor found Luke - disabled and a deserter of the army- during WWII, who happened to be the vessel for the dying god, Apollo. Luke ended up going with him, and the Doctor, although slower than with Aletta, found himself opening up and becoming alive again. The Doctor became fond of Luke's demeanor fast, and quickly became grounded and steady because of him. Tentatively, the Doctor let him in.

After a while of adventuring, a cyberman problem re-emerged on Earth, and with it came Aletta, stepping from the ashes of the dimension the Doctor had deemed safe.

With Aletta returned and having lost her memory of the second dimension, things returned relatively normal (although the Doctor had never expected Luke and Aletta to meet, and it's an awkward thing). They picked up another companion, Dimitri, and caught word of an alien race called the Forever. The Master also made a comeback. After a lot of drama and decimating both the Forever and the Doctor's home planet of Gallifrey, the Doctor began to feel there was something amiss.

  • running
  • building things
  • the garden
  • planets full of city lights
  • warmth
  • aletta's cooking
  • utter silence
  • losing
  • blame
  • the forever
  • opening up about his problems
  • pears

Sed ante velit, convallis ut mattis sed, varius in ipsum. Nulla eget risus in tortor elementum viverra tincidunt eget leo. Vestibulum quis quam a lectus auctor dignissim id vel purus. Donec ligula tellus, vehicula euismod finibus sed, gravida vitae erat.


Sed ante velit, convallis ut mattis sed, varius in ipsum. Nulla eget risus in tortor elementum viverra tincidunt eget leo. Vestibulum quis quam a lectus auctor dignissim id vel purus. Donec ligula tellus, vehicula euismod finibus sed, gravida vitae erat.