


7 months, 11 days ago


Huno is a Teutonic Knight seated in Prussia in one of the prosecutor castles in Szczytno, that on that time was called Oltersburg or Ortulfburg, at the very beginning of the 15th century. He's mainly engaged in typical Teutonic activities such as propagation of unwanted faith, harassing Masurians and oppressing pagans by cutting down their sacred trees and raiding their settlements. It goes on until he falls into the trap of a passionate, forbidden affair with the cheeky witch Bogna who lives on the edge of the bog, and his entire life so far and the firm beliefs and principles that guided him begin to fall apart piece by piece.

Huno appeared in monastery castle as a 2 years old, he was  p r o b a b l y  found abandoned beneath its walls or adopted there after his parents left him orphaned. Initially he was raised by serving nuns, and when he began to grow up, he was transferred to the men's part. Later, at the age of 14, he officially became a member of the order. Huno is given special treatment in the order due to being, in a sense, their ''natural son'', the commander of Ortulfburg also has great sympathy for him. Despite his lack of noble origin, after a short service as a sariant, he was knighted. He treats the castle as his home and his friar-brothers as family, even though some of them, coming from different backgrounds or joining the order for less than laudable reasons, secretly mock him and his naive attachment to the Teutonic ideals. 
