Michaela Keller



8 months, 22 days ago



Michaela Keller The Saint of 1's and 0's


NAME Michaela Keller

AGE 36?

BIRTHDAY January 10



ETHNICITY Irish-American

JOB Real Estate Agent

ORIENTATION Heterosexual


AFFILIATION Braddock-Keller Corp

A former real estate agent who went missing. Michaela used to be best friends with Seth Braddock and even started up an agency with him after quitting their jobs together. She was kind and all-loving, but soon disappeared from the face of the Earth after he spread a nasty rumor about her across Hampton.

After disappearing, Michaela has left a large mark on Hampton and her presence feels as though she still exists. People claim that she watches over them at times, but nobody can ever 100% confirm it. Her vanishing has facilitated a downward spiral in Hampton's future.


Michaela is one of the kindest people someone can meet. She holds a deep compassion for those less fortunate than herself, and will do everything in her power to help people in need. She sees herself as a bit self-sacrificing should it benefit the greater good. However, Michaela has a bit of a snarky and comedic side to lighten up the mood should the situation call for it. Not only is she a mystery to the world, but she also tends to keep her life in secret.

  • Mice
  • Shrimp Cocktails
  • Trains
  • Beach Sounds
  • Cockroaches
  • Horror Movies
  • Fried Foods
  • Lavender

Braddock-Keller Corporation

Michaela was the only daughter to Irish immigrants along with her older brother who had moved out by the time she was able to remember anything. She only recalled fond memories of her childhood, which was the definition of normal. Lots of family picnics, parties, school heart breaks, etc. The Keller family had your average struggles at times, but they always pulled through. The family lived in Hampton, California for all of their immigrated lives and that was also where she met her best friend, Seth Braddock. They had been friends since junior high school ever since Michaela defended him from a group of bullies. They spent all of their time together and nothing seemed to pull them apart, even when they went to the same university.

Both Seth and Michaela went into business with goals of becoming real estate agents; they knew that housing in Hampton was brutal against the poorer communities and tried so hard to mitigate that. They worked at the same agency, despite their difficulties abiding by their personal ethics and sales quotas for work. The pair didn't last long in the business and eventually decided to make the change they wanted to be by creating their own agency.

After quitting their jobs, Seth and Michaela opened up the Braddock-Keller Corporation. It started a small business consulting real estate advice and also aiding families with struggles regarding their homes, but slowly grew over time. Eventually, the pair became a powerhouse in real estate for Hamptonites.

Chance Encounter

One day, Michaela remembered seeing something strange in her mirror. It looked similar to a chip in the glass, but noticed movement within that crack in the mirror. Behind the glass was a man she had never seen before and someone who dressed completely different from her. He clearly had no idea what was going on either, since he appeared shocked to have met her as well. The man introduced himself to be Blythe Hawthorne, a resident from a universe not hers, and explained that he also noticed the crack in his own world when he saw her. The two began to seek each other out every night, talking about their worlds and the connection they share for knowing each other. They learned that they can even touch each other, but both feared to leave their realities without warning.

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As Braddock-Keller accrued, Michaela grew more and more proud of their work. She and Seth were aware that their personal ethics were an added obstacles to making them money, but she was happy with their contributions to society. Seth, however, wasn't feeling exactly the same; in order to push forward in his career, he believed that his partner was holding them back. In an attempt to push her out of the business, he spreaded a vicious rumor about her embezzling money from the company and to not trust her selfishness. Michaela's name was the talk of city as she was accused of such a crime; she couldn't believe that her best friend would do this to her.

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Nobody knew what happened to her. They couldn't tell if she was murdered, went missing, or ran off to live anonymously. The Saint of Hampton just disappeared without a trace.

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  • This is what she looked like approximately 10 years ago. Nobody knows what she truly looks like as of now
  • Seth still puts up missing posters for her even now
  • Her glitch form never wears shoes

ABOUT: Seth Braddock

Michaela's best friend since junior high school. These two did everything together, went to school and work together, and even formed a business with each other. Despite their goals for Hampton and their futures, she was betrayed by Seth once he spread a rumor about her. Now, Seth is desperately trying to atone for her disappearance and constantly thinks about her

ABOUT: Blythe Hawthorne

The man Michaela met in the mirror. The two were not from the same universes, but the two shared a precious bond together. It's unclear if their relationship was platonic or romantic, but Michaela cared about Blythe more than anybody else- even Seth. In her vanishment, Michaela hopes to find him again