[ROR] Father Grimm



8 months, 28 days ago


"My thoughts are ever wending Home."
I. Willhelm Carl Grimm

"Father Grimm"
"The Hermit"

Over 200

Cis Male







Home (When Shadows Fall)

Willhelm Carl Grimm, or Father Grimm, is a writer living in the middle of the woods with his 6 adopted children. Some even call him the "wizard in the woods". He doesn't go outside much as he's afraid the world might judge his strange looks and demeanor. But at least he's happy in his library and all the books to read.

But he wasn't always this reserved. He and his brother Jacob loved going out adventuring and telling their stories. But something had happened to Jacob, leaving Willhelm to shut himself out of society.

II. Background

Willhelm was born in the 24th of February in Hesse, Germany. He and his elder brother Jacob would roam the streets of Europe to find people to tell their stories to. They had fun together, with Jacob's spirit of adventure and Willhelm's knack for storytelling.

They wanted nothing more but to tell their tales to everyone in the world, but they knew they wouldn't be able to live that long to acomplish that dream. Travelling was fun, but they also picked up a lot of diseases and injuries while doing so. Medicine at that time wasn't as developed, it was easy to think they could perish tommorrow. And so they decided to go to the magical route. They wrote of witches and fairies but had never attempted witchcraft themselves. But they must, as their tales must live along with them.

For Will, it worked, for Jacob, he immeadietly passed away. The younger brother was heartbroken and decided to never go out adventuring again. He locked himself away from his friends and adoring readers, afraid of what they might think when one of the Grimms brothers died due to unsafe witchcraft. He spent his years indoors writing like he used to, but also learning the art of magic, perhaps to get him brother back

But after decades, he found out it was impossible. He greived at this revalation, but instead he heard a knock at his door. He thought is was strange, as no one had came near these woods in over a century. He found a small boy, pleading to let him inside. Grimm reluctantly agreed, but wanted the boy to leave quickly to resume to his books. The boy introduced himself, Solomon Grundy, and confessed that he was in a cult and is trying to hide from it. Grimm was slightly confused at first, but seeing Solomon's scared look, disheveled clothes and the way he described his former residence, Grimm offered to let him stay.

Over the years, more and more children came to him for his aid. They were all from poor or abusive households and he didn't know how to say no when they ask to stay with him. Eventually, he needed to magic up ingredients to make food for 6 mouths. But people outside the woods started to spread rumors, saying if you go in the forest, the strange man will take your children and kill them. Grimm heard of legends like these when he was younger, mildly shocked that they still make tales like those today. But at least he's happy alone with his new family.

III. Trivia
  • Grimm used to be an alt design for the Shadelight Roblox Myth character FatherGrimm but I made him my own guy
  • He plays piano, violin and the flute
  • He sometimes needs a walking cane as he doesn't get up that much, also cause he old- His cane is literally a tree branch shaped like a walking cane
  • His house can be extra dark so he usually have candles or use matches. In fact, the kids would know Grimm is coming by hearing the match scratches
  • His scar and crooked nose was there due to an unhappy audience while storytelling that lead to a brawl
  • Gets mistaken for a vampire
  • He refuses to wear anything overly modern, stays with his old victorian-esque fashion or something similar to Dark Acedemia
  • His 6 kids are named after nursery rhymes. Solomon Grundy, Henry "Humpty" Alexander Dumpty, Jason "Jabber" Wocke, Hickory Doc, (Blind) Terry "Three" Doc and "Old" Kingsleigh Cole
  • All his kids are British and have British accents while he is extremely German
  • Hates any and all romance so don't even try 💀💀 He loves all of you but not in THAT way
  • He has over 10 pen-names for writing
  • He really likes chilling by the fireplace with a good book
  • He loves all his children equally and DEFINITELY DOES NOT PLAY FAVORITES (This is a lie, he does but doesn't want anyone to feel bad so he keeps his "rankings" a secret)
  • Is super hella supportive of all his kids

Being indoors
Warm Fireplaces
His kids

Romance novels
Bad behavior
Writer's block
Loud noises

code by icecreampizzer
focal art by @ user | images from unsplash