Tobi (Mystery Dungeon AU)



2 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info





Age - Level

Early 30s - Lvl 65




2'2ft/66cm - Not including hair






Suddenly thrown into a world she is barely familiar with, she became very recluse and a bit more crabby than her previous self, only emerging from her house to go shopping or help out with the exploration team she lives nearby. Oddly enough, her grumpiness has caused her to be more calm and mellow, having better management of her arrogance and knowing when to drop something when things get heated.

Date of Birth

January 13th



-Honoray member of a rescue team known as The Sailors, she spends most of her time just fixing things around their lighthouse base or building devices for them that can help with their dungeon adventures.

-The land she's at now is mostly foreign to her. All she remembers is that she made a boat, got too cocky, had no idea how to pilot said boat, got swallowed up by a whirlpool and then woke up on an island with her boat in shambles.

-She deeply misses her old job as a prop maker for her threatre. Her new friends have noticed this and have decided to hold miniature plays inorder to give her something fun to do. She never tells them directly, but she appreciates this.

-Having a batch of eggs on her boat that didn't break somehow, she was able to introduce the concept of fried and scambled egg to The Sailors. They all love it, Lorenzo especially since they taste familiar to the once-human pokémon. 

-She was also able to convince the Guildmaster of the island that unfertilised eggs were a normal food source and that she should be allowed to open a resturant based on it. The Guildmaster was convinced, but her request was declined.

-Sadily, she has somewhat forgotten how to make mechsuits; she still has Finn with her and slapped a knife on his arm so everything okay.

-While she only really sings when she's busy, when asked by either Charlie or Toblerone, she'll sing a song that she knows from her previous home for them.

-She doesn't casually swear as much as she once did, usually swearing when insulted or when she forgets what she was gonna say(the latter happens a lot). 

-Clap for her, she grew an entire inch taller while stranded at sea on her sick ass yacht.

-She's still a bit of a glutton, still loves downing poképuffs and eggs, but is more willing to share food equally along others, especially if it means that they'll leave her alone if she does.



-Her moves are Gigaton Wrench, Theif, Fake Out and Play Rough; her ability is Mold Breaker.

-Her voice has gotten deeper, but also softer at the same time.