Millicent Dougherty



8 months, 20 days ago



Millicent Dougherty Brainy Goddess


NAME Millicent Shizuka Dougherty

AGE 24

BIRTHDAY November 24



ETHNICITY Japanese-British

JOB Fashion Accountant

ORIENTATION Demiromantic Heterosexual

ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral

AFFILIATION Dougherty Estate

Millicent is the 2nd oldest child out of four of the Dougherty Household, and potentially the most forgotten by her parents. For most of ber life, she spent it trying desperately to please her demanding father and yet could never live up to the expectations he had for her and her older sister, Meredith. She began to put on a confident face as the ideal, sexy woman and tried her hardest to look as appealing as possible to be a fashion model. She even completely diverted her career path in an attempt to mold herself into the poster child in her family, becoming an accountant for a fashion company. Once she realized that she would never love up to his standards, Millicent promised herself to never be hurt again and put up walls as a defense mechanism. She casually sleeps with men and dumps them later, while also making false friendships along the way. The woman appears to be all put together and the dominant one in life, but she continues to be lost in this world without a purpose.


Manipulative bitch is the best way to describe Millicent. She treats a majority of her interactions like chess games in an attempt to be as dominant as possible. If she is speaking in a group, she will make sure that her presence is the largest one possible by injecting herself into everything. She is subtle and a bit sly, making minor notes that keeps people on edge about her intentions. Millicent prides herself in her mystery and will do or say anything to keep her facade for as long as it benefits her. However, deep down, she holds an insecurity that can't be let out and she is very lost in this world. She hopes that being on top will find her that clarity she longs for.

  • Mathematics
  • Sex/Intimacy
  • High Fashion
  • Curry Rice
  • Being 2nd Place
  • Short Guys
  • Poorly Written Articles
  • Mansplaining

Disappointment to Girlboss

Millicient was the 2nd oldest daughter and child to a pair of fashion tycoon owners: the Dougherty Family. Not being the oldest, she desperately tried to stand out from her sister, Meredith, who was the center of attention in being the heir. Millicent tried copying her father's mannerisms, goals, and ideals, but always fell flat in comparison to her sister. Throughout her childhood and adolescence, she struggled with self-esteem even when she excelled at everything from the outside-in. Her grades were phenomenal, she had a relatively large friend group, and had a bright future ahead of her, however, it was never enough for her or her father.

Once Meredith married out of the family, Millicent finally had the opportunity to take over what her family wanted to give. She even jumped right into fashion accounting as a bridge between her true passion of mathematics and her father's wishes. However, it still wasn't enough; he claimed her to be too short to model their clothes, while also too uncreative to make art. This revelation absolutely devastated her and faciliated cutting all ties with her father. As a defense mechanism, Millicent built up walls and now inflicts the same impossible standards that her own family pushed onto her. Now, the woman wanders through each day unsure of her purpose and uses whatever and whoever benefits her the most.

  • Like her siblings, her middle name is Japanese. The kanji for Shizuka is 静香
  • Is fluent in Japanese
  • Millicent is infertile, which is good-bad because she never really wanted children. However, the thought makes her sad at times
  • If she was a bit taller, Millicent probably would have went into modeling
  • Has a bit of a reputation of being serial "girlfriend". Doesn't stick around long for a majority of her relationships and tends to dump them before she can plant roots as a safety precaution
  • Owns two Japanese long-tailed tits named Haku (珀) and Riri (リリ)
  • Is incredibly smart in math; it's her favorite subject of all time and actively seeks out articles on math
  • Used to be a California state champion in chess in her younger years. She still plays the game fondly, but just not competitively anymore
  • Used to be bit of a Plastic- a Regina George type- in high school. This was in an attempt to feel superior over others with her beauty and wealth, which escalated dramatically once Meredith graduated and Millicent needed a new vent. She used to be a huge bully in her hay-day to keep her ego afloat. Toned down this attitude once she graduated and left her completely friendless
  • If she makes you risotto, it means she really likes you

ABOUT: Kendrick Dougherty

Millicent's father. She holds a deep respect for him and constantly hopes to live up to his expectations in the future. She spent a long time trying to figure out how to please him, but to no avail. After years of disappointment, Millicent has cut ties with her father while still holding so many regrets for not making him proud.

ABOUT: Mayu Dougherty

Millicent's mother. While Millicent found her to be supportive and loving, the two did not have as strong of a relationship in comparison to her other children. She loves her mother a lot, but feels not as close to her as she wished.

ABOUT: Meredith Penn

Millicent's older sister. The two have a bit of a tense relationship due to Meredith's judgemental nature and Millicent's jealousy. The two have a tango of insulting each other for their individual flaws, but it's apparent they still care about each other despite their feud. Unknowingly to Millicent, her sister worries about her and her future quite a bit.

ABOUT: Aaron Dougherty

Millicent's younger brother. Despite his nonsensical antics, she cares about him very much. She relates to his struggles with standing out quite a bit and puts up with a lot of his weird stunts as a result of this. She is pretty protective of him, but isn't against roasting him whenever is best possible. Has the Nyquil Chicken:tm: technique.

ABOUT: Penelope Dougherty

Millicent's younger sister. The two don't share much of a relationship given Penelope's shyness, which holes her up inside her room. She is protective of her when necessary, but the two don't talk very much outside of family gatherings.

ABOUT: Ryan Melville

Millicent's friend and potential boyfriend depending on the universe. She finds him especially cute and entertaining to be around. The two share a jaded and flawed view on life, but they keep each other relatively grounded and also excitable if the situation calls for it. She is a bit goofier when around him, which causes her to be the target of teasing.

ABOUT: Caleb Crispin

Millicent's friend and potential boyfriend depending on the universe. The two are distant coworkers at the fashion company she works at as he is a model for the company. They both share a flirtatious and sexual relationship with a certain set of rules to keep them from getting too attached; despite this, Millicent and Caleb are very good friends and rely on each other for secrets.