Penelope Dougherty



4 months, 4 days ago



Penelope Dougherty An Anxious Heir


NAME Penelope Hiroko Dougherty

AGE 17

BIRTHDAY July 17th



ETHNICITY Japanese-British

JOB Student/VTuber


ALIGNMENT Neutral Good

AFFILIATION Dougherty Estate

Penelope is the youngest out of four children of Kendrick and Mayu Dougherty, but despite this, is considered the heiress to the estate over her older siblings. After witnessing the horrible treatment and neglect dished out onto her siblings, she has developed a barely contained anxiety with every single move she makes. At this point, Penelope lives a double life. She acts like a perfect angel without any flaws when Kendrick is around and then crumbles into an antisocial mess when he leaves. Now, she struggles with maintaining this facade as she inches closer to adulthood and the overwhelming expectations continue to crush her self-esteem. However, all she wants to do is hole up in her bedroom and play video games or watch anime for the rest of her life.


In public, Penelope is the sweetest girl you could ever encounter. She puts her all into everything she looks out to achieve and does so with a humble smile on her face. While she is not the most popular person, peers her age know how kind she can be especially if it is at the cost of herself. Penelope tends to be quite passive and relies on other people to make executive decisions on the group's behalf, which leads her to just following the flow if the crowd agrees. People also know her to be the artist of the family with immense creativity.

However, the darker side of Penelope reveals itself when paired with her family. She is genuinely a jittery and anxious girl underneath the perfect mask; this is mostly due to the overwhelming fear of disappointing her father, who already expressed cruel disinterest in his other children. Penelope sees herself in a very low light and deeply hates herself for the flaws she owns. This has manifested in her desire to hide herself from the rest of the world and stew in her own depression.

  • Video Games
  • Art/Drawing
  • Being Left Alone
  • Fast Food
  • IRL Attention
  • Chickens
  • Online Creeps
  • Deadlines

Mask of the Perfect Angel

After seven years, Kendrick and Mayu ended up having more children- this time being twins. The couple were delighted to actually have a son in Aaron, but the life of Penelope would end up shaking the foundation for the family. The youngest daughter found a love for art at a very early age and revealed her colors to her father as someone with an actual interest in art/fashion. Kendrick began to dote on Penelope, especially after she developed into a humble and demure little girl, causing the rest of the kids to be stuck in limbo. Penelope grew up watching her father treat her older siblings awfully; they never seemed to do anything right, their grades never good enough, and he clearly was not fond of the others. Those actions that her siblings would do were exactly as hers, so it instilled in her formative brain that even she would get thrown under the bus by her father. Penelope began to walk on eggshells and think very carefully about what to say for every second of the day, resulting in a consistent stress pattern in her daily life.

Penelope's childhood also included endless torment from Aaron, her twin brother, as he thought it would prove himself to be better than her. She desperately tried at every turn to make amends with him, but to no avail. She felt trapped in a mask against the world and even her anxiety began to truly blossom into adolescence. Once Aaron got into his car accident, Penelope couldn't help but blame herself for things out of her control- attributed by said anxiety. She continued to dote on him as they grew up, but never shook off the fight-or-flight sensation inside of her chest.

Dragged By Her Feet

Nearing the end of her high school days, Penelope is loathing the idea of taking on the Dougherty inheritance. She received word that her older sisters have practically outted of this privilege for one reason or another, and Aaron was too rebellious to take on the responsibility. Of course, this meant this would fall onto her. Kendrick believed it to be fine due to how well-behaved Penelope had grown up to be; however, he is completely blinded by the fact she put on a mask. She is barely living a happy life as the emotions continue to bubble erratically inside of her.

  • Like her siblings, her middle name is Japanese. The kanji for Hiroko is 浩子
  • Only somewhat proficient in Japanese. While Penelope can technically hold a basic conversation, her dialect is very similar to a foreigner who only watches anime
  • Penelope streams video games most nights under a Vtuber name as ShiroHiro
  • Aside from her demure nature, Kendrick has expressed Penelope being the best candidate for taking over the company mostly due to her creative soul. He feels as though she is best equipped to innovate fashion in a tasteful manner, which is a sentiment he has never verbally explained to his other children
  • Her room is a complete mess, which an outsider might not expect from her. If Kendrick is at home, Penelope will spend all day in the living room or dining room to keep him from coming inside. If he is out of the house, she will spend every second locked in her bedroom
  • Penelope aspires to become a mangaka in the future against her father's wishes. She currently has been storyboarding a self-indulgent comic about herself, but is too much of a coward to post it online for the public
  • Has an online friend who helps her with making homemade cosplay. She is basically the only true friend Penelope has
  • Is a closeted lesbian in fear of what others would think; she has gotten multiple confessions from boys at school, but has given the excuse that she is in love with someone else

ABOUT: Kendrick Dougherty

Penelope's father. She is extremely afraid of Kendrick, primarily due to watching him treat her siblings so cruelly. Penelope believes that her father will treat her just as poorly if she falls out of line, so she puts on a mask in order to keep him nice to her. While she is his favorite child, she has mixed emotions about him due to this fear.

ABOUT: Mayu Dougherty

Penelope's mother. She cares about her mother quite a bit, but finds herself competing for attention with her brother. Despite Mayu's kind nature, Penelope struggles to open up out of fear of being outted to Kendrick. Has basically given up on relying on her mother for more complex support.

ABOUT: Meredith Penn

Penelope's oldest sister. She relies on Meredith the most and is most open about her insecurities to her oldest sister. Meredith is the one who understands her the most, so she will ask for advice should she feels vulnerable enough. Penelope believes that Meredith is the best role model to look up to and wants to grow up just like her in the future.

ABOUT: Millicent Dougherty

Penelope's older sister. She doesn't interact with Millicent as much due to the latter's tendency to wander out of the family loop. Penelope respects her big sister's confidence and finds it enviable to have; she is somewhat jealous that Aaron usually gets Millicent's attention. Despite her respect, she doesn't really know much about what her big sister does in life.

ABOUT: Aaron Dougherty

Penelope's twin, older brother. Due to their age (compared to their sisters), she wanted to be close with Aaron, especially since their experiences would be the most relatable to her. However, her twin does not share the same sentiment, and has instead spent most of their childhood relentlessly bullying her; this has led to a developing isolation on Penelope's end. She wants to hang out with her brother, but all of her attempts have been all for naught. Despite all of this, she still tries her best to please him and have an ally in her own home.

ABOUT: Mette Andersen

Penelope's online friend. The two primarily chat online about anime and video games, occasionally digging into cosplay. She has a tiny bit of a fleeting crush on Mette, but has resigned to never letting that flourish due to distance issues.