Claire Conchord



8 months, 4 days ago



Claire Conchord

Member Since April 2002 Last Login 06/13/2003

Full Name: Claire Conchord
Gender: Female
Interested in Meeting People For: Nothing. Heart! I don't care WHAT my parents said; anyone is capable of murder, and I am NOT interested.
Status: Alive.
Age: 11 and a half.
Psychadet rank: Psychic Scout
Hometown: Deep Creek Lake, MD
Psychic Speciality: Psychic Shield
Interests: Playing pretend, counting flowers on the wall, solitaire. Solitude. Horror, true crime, weird movies. The killer in disguise (and their wereabouts.)
Favorite Music: Leslie Gore, the Supremes, Sammy Davis Jr. Old school sound. Give me some horns! A Big band! Dancing Ladies!
Favorite Books: Goosebumps, some Nancy Drews. Detective novels.
Favorite TV Shows: Courage the Cowardly Dog, Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?, Forensic Files. X Files but only the early stuff.
Favorite Movies: Scream, The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, Final Destination 1 & 2, the Plague Dogs
About Me: Getting this out of the way first thing; I've heard every joke in the book about the bubble, okay? I know how it looks. I don't care. You're not saying anything that hasn't already been said- the creative well is dry, my friends, it's dry as BONES, so let's just act mature and not talk about it. I'll even be nice and answer all of your questions for you here. No, it's not because I have a poor immune system. No, it's not because I'm contagious either. No, I'm not putting it down for you.

The bubble is for my personal safety; I mean, think about it- this place is a death trap! The cliffs, the abandoned mines, the unregulated wilderness, the RABID PSYCHIC ANIMALS, the INSANE ASYLUM ACROSS THE LAKE??? And don't get me started on all the hiding spots, you know, for the Killer, or any kind of crazed murderer to JUMP OUT and cut you from stem to STERN like a FISH. What are these people thinking??? Haven't they ever seen Madman mars? Sleepaway camp?? Hell, Friday the 13th! that's THE summer camp slasher. But regardless of the faculties gross lack of precautions, I've been KEENLY aware of the killer since birth and I've learned and studied every trick in his playbook. So mock me all you want, but remember that when YOU'RE the one staring down the knifes edge (literally and metaphorically).

the long and short of it is, I don't want to be here any more than you want me to be. So again, let's be mature about this, okay?

Who I Want to Meet: The Killer.


What people say about Claire:

Character, 00/00/0000:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Donec nisl orci, gravida ut augue in, fermentum efficitur sem. Aenean venenatis dapibus ante vel cursus. Praesent sit amet erat in nisl pretium luctus vel vel ipsum. Maecenas commodo lobortis ipsum, at elementum urna vulputate non.

Phoebe, 06/02/2003:

Hey Claire, I couldn't help but notice how late you were coming back from the tv room last night. Not to overstep, but- Have you ever considered seeing a professional about, you know... this Killer thing? I just don't think watching all of these gorey movies is very healthy for your mental state.

Character, 00/00/0000:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Donec nisl orci, gravida ut augue in, fermentum efficitur sem. Aenean venenatis dapibus ante vel cursus. Praesent sit amet erat in nisl pretium luctus vel vel ipsum. Maecenas commodo lobortis ipsum, at elementum urna vulputate non.