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8 months, 13 days ago


35 Moons
Norwegian Forest Cat
Lawful Neutral
Alive & Healthy

Stay steady! The moon signals aggressive waves!

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ShineShell is a stoic face, unmoving and mysterious to the outside eye. He is a scary force to those he faces, being much larger than the average cat due to his breed. The tom is fierce in battle, having the ability to tank many hits if need be. It is long before the warrior ever falls to an enemy. Sometimes, he can’t help but spook the apprentices in his own clan- and perhaps a fearful warrior or two. In his clan, he is respected as deputy for this reason. Not only is the aging cat sturdy but he also is organized in his orders and movements. ShineShell works himself practically to death. His perseverance and loyalty mean he is a key pillar to his community, assuring everything is carried out smoothly. The feline has a certain elegance in his ways, being interested in his beauty. He is sure to keep his long hair clean, dipping his head in river water and combing through it with his sharpened claws.

Outside of his intimidating reputation and looks, ShineShell is an incredibly patient and calm individual- something he worked hard to develop. Usually, when disputes occur the large cat will be the one to break them, his large size aiding in that as well. When it isn’t needed, he actually prefers not to use his deep voice. If his work does not call for it, he will stay silent. If a conversation is not related to his duties, he can be quite awkward. He devotes much of his time to the responsibilities of a deputy, so much so that when he is thrown into idle conversation, he may appear more aggressive than intended. Unsurprisingly, he does not have many friends. He usually only interacts to the point of acquaintanceship and fears any relationship deeper than that. The only person he is notably closer to is the leader he serves.

ShineShell, behind all of this, is a terrible mess. He is ridden with anxieties of failure, and can’t handle making a mistake. He often has panic attacks when alone. The cat cannot help it, when no noise is there to cloud his thoughts they quickly catch up to him. He often worries he will never be enough, and that the few who enjoy his company will leave him. Sleep is dreaded, being when he breaks down most. Memories of the past swirl in his head, making the tom feel like a nervous apprentice all over again. ShineShell hates this with a passion.

It doesn’t help he often neglects his own needs. If the circumstances call for it, he will starve himself for the sake of others. When an especially harsh winter hits, he’s been known to deprive himself until the point of collapsing. When he finds something uncomfortable, the tom will usually shrug it off to the best of his ability. He could be considered a control freak, enjoying complete order and calm. He experiences much worry when unsure of plans and himself. ShineShell isn’t often met with too much confrontation, but when in an argument may raise his voice, scaring a cat much more than he would ever want. This is why the tom believes it is beneficial if he pushes others away, an excuse to not have to deal with the hardships of interacting with other.



This cat was born on a cool summer day, with weather conditions perfect for a young feline to be brought into. The bundle of fluff was his parent’s only child, noticeably bigger than the average child. The scene of his birth was calm- his mother even lacked much pain during the occurrence. Serene quiet filled the air as the clan waited to hear the news and name of the new arrival. Commemorating such a beautiful day, the kitten was named ShineKit after the sun’s reflection in the lazy streams that ran through camp.

ShineKit spent most of his time in the nursery, kept near his mother and father. He didn’t play with many, his parents feeling the need to limit who he could talk to besides his older siblings. He had a good relationship with most of his family, enjoying the comfort of being pampered in his parent’s paws. ShineKit took to playing with his warrior-aged brother and sister, who were happy to tussle with their adorable little sibling. However, it was often his parents would scold the two, grilling them for being so rough with their boy. Being so pampered and sheltered, ShineKit missed out on learning many needed skills early in life.

ShineKit was anxious the day of his apprentice ceremony, not wanting to leave behind the comforts of the nursery. Being followed by so many eyes made his legs feel as though they were going to give out on him. It was announced EveningAbyss- the oddly duocolored warrior -would be the one to take ShinePaw beneath his wing. The new apprentice could sense his parent’s disappointment; EveningAbyss was not known for being kind or gentle. In fact, he was one of the most talented fighters in the clan. His claws were fast, tearing through any warrior in his way. The tom was known to be wreckless, having a short temper and even less patience. The leader at the time had been hoping EveningAbyss would toughen ShinePaw up, rough the kid up to teach him something. When the fearful apprentice looked up at this cat he was only met with a narrow-eyed scowl.


EveningAbyss did not sugarcoat his training sessions. On this kit he took out his inner rages, sending ruthless blows the kitten’s way. It was not rare training sessions would end with ShinePaw washing his own blood from his fur- all the while being watched by his mentor, who stared at him with an agonizingly disapproving frown. EveningAbyss did not care for the littler thing, he saw the inexperienced cat as a burden on his time. So, EveningAbyss used the sessions to practice his battle moves. His taunting was cruel, bashing ShinePaw for the simplest mistakes. The warrior was sure to dig deep into his apprentice's insecurities, doing things he knew ShinePaw disliked. ShinePaw, when going to his parents, experiences were scoffed off as “what was best for him.” He stayed silent after that.

ShinePaw, now aged ten moons, was ordered to arrive at the edge of clan territory. EveningAbyss had been too impatient to ask his apprentice himself, instead passing the message down through another. When the younger cat was to arrive, his mentor was pacing impatiently. When the duocolored feline saw him, insulting words poured from his maw- the usual. However, a growing anger had brewed in ShinePaw for moons now. He would show his disdain for his mentor with more than a scrunched nose. ShinePaw lashed out, growling profanities and bristling the fur upon his back. He swatted at his superior, tearing through the thin skin of his ear. With a yowl EveningAbyss caught the smaller cat by the scuff, launching him tumbling limply on the ground. When the warrior raised his unsheathed claw in punishment, ShinePaw lept to bring the cat into a tight tussle. This went on for a long while, fur scattered and screeches loud. It was a wonder no one heard them.

ShinePaw huffed heavily as blood trickled through his soft coat. The smaller cat stumbled- he was struggling. A young apprentice was no match for a skilled warrior, especially one so brutal. His vision was starting to blur from blood loss. Meanwhile, EveningAbyss was still up, tired but standing. ShinePaw did not doubt his mentor would kill him. He believed no one would even look into his death.

However… amongst waves of the lake flashed yellow eyes, hiding green scales in murky water. From behind EveningAbyss swam the predator, waiting for a time to strike. ShinePaw knew he could not kill his mentor, he’d die a shameful death to the warrior’s claws. With little thought, he barreled forward. His movement was chaotic and uncoordinated, sending the two plummeting into the deep riverbed. Warrior and apprentice scrambled to catch a breath, ShinePaw surfacing first. Scrambling to turn around, he saw EveningAbyss emerge from the depths- however, he did not go unfollowed. With horror, ShinePaw watched as the crocodile's jaws fastened around his mentor’s flank, the feline letting out a blood-curdling scream. With his free paws, he grappled ShinePaw, struggling to find anything to hold onto. The apprentice practically tore the warrior from his skin. Scrambling back, he watched as EveningAbyss’s face disappeared beneath the waves. Only bubbles rose from the depths, and then deafening silence.

He should have moved, of course. ShinePaw knew he should run. But he couldn’t. The young cat slumped down, curling up as much as he could to hide his face. Adrenaline and fear shook his muscles. The apprentice felt sick to his stomach. He lay there for a while, the afternoon sun baking into his aching muscles. It was only when a patrol stumbled on the bloody scene that he was carried to the medicine den. ShinePaw spoke of the crocodile attack, explaining all his injuries away by EveningAbyss’s panicked movements. He was given a new mentor, and no one learned of the killing.


ShineShell felt numb when his warrior ceremony came, despite all the cheers and support of his clanmates. It did not feel deserved. Guilt stained him for the moon following the murder, constantly felt unworthy of his survival. He thought that perhaps if he had put up with it, he could have spared a life. ShineShell dragged himself through the muck of his mind. At this time, he found his enjoyment of fur-care. He had been growing his side-swept hair since he was a kit and had allowed it to tangle terribly since then. With much determination, trial, and error, he eventually found a way to style his hair in a way he enjoyed. He brought this hobby to others by aiding them with their fur and completing complex techniques like braids. He does not do it as often anymore, however he still has an adoration for the skill.

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  • Spring
  • Heavy rainfall
  • Clear night skies
  • Beetles
  • Being spooked
  • Things in his fur
  • Swimming
  • Seashell collecting
  • Hair and fur care
  • Feeling small
  • Heights
  • Losing control
  • These can be design notes, random facts, both, or neither! Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem, similique quos quisquam pariatur tenetur perspiciatis deleniti aperiam alias exercitationem.
  • Aperiam impedit molestias eveniet reiciendis ullam sapiente debitis expedita temporibus vero officiis consequuntur minus.
  • Aperiam impedit molestias eveniet reiciendis ullam sapiente debitis expedita temporibus vero officiis consequuntur minus.
  • Aperiam impedit molestias eveniet reiciendis ullam sapiente debitis expedita temporibus vero officiis consequuntur minus.
I only hoped the best for you my son, I swear.

ShineShell adores his parents, having lived an exceptionally comfortable life in his early years. They could be considered rather strict, cats who helicoptered their kit. His parents were always the ones to pick a choose his friends, and limited what he could do.

This left him rather clueless when thrown into apprenticeship, not knowing how to care for himself. When he spoke of the abuse he went through, he was shrugged off. ShineShell was lost and broken when they died.

I got no comfort, what makes you think you need any?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex est repellat esse laudantium odit sint a similique blanditiis, enim dolorum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit soluta numquam mollitia et at fuga nemo culpa molestiae nihil sit porro exercitationem non esse nostrum deserunt, cumque qui eligendi aspernatur.

I could not complete my work without your aid, ShineShell.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex est repellat esse laudantium odit sint a similique blanditiis, enim dolorum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem maiores ducimus voluptas beatae asperiores accusantium facilis, recusandae officia consequuntur autem sunt molestiae assumenda cum nobis quisquam temporibus labore hic. Debitis!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Temporibus amet, aut quos.