The reaper




Cerze - The reaper
Age 23

Gender Female

Residence cottage in the forest

Status Alive

Species Unknown

Caring Motherly Playful Gentle Compassionate

Cerze is an unknown bird creature that is one of the apprentices of the corruption forest. Using her candles and the help of her best friend, Katze. She helps guide young souls through the afterlife and make sure they make it there unharmed. The candles help illuminate in the darkness as she sings her songs, making sure the souls are calm and can hear her. She’s very good friends with Michio.


Cerze is a kindhearted gentle giant that can intimidate others with her appearance, but never means to cause harm. She’s very playful, loving games and having adventures to go on. She has a mother-like presence as she cares for young souls who need to find their way back. She’s very gentle, never talking in a loud voice, it’s always soothing. Her compassion for others has helped countless souls and spirits find their way home. She tries her best to show you are not alone and if no one is there for you, she will be there.

Come little children