The guiding



8 months, 13 days ago


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Quiet . Shy . Insecure

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「 Vex, the guiding 」

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alias The guiding
species Siberian cat
Name Vex
Residence A cave in the forest
role Apprentice
Gender Female
Age 16
Status Undead

Vex is very shy and quiet. When she does speak, it’s always in a low gentle whisper-like voice. She gets nervous around others, afraid they will judge her for her appearance. For years she has experienced people being terrified of her look and running away in fear, making her feel insecure and more closed off. She guides you with her light and whistling. Follow her whispers to make your way through the darkness. One reason she hangs out with the apprentices is because they don’t judge how she looks. She doesn’t have any personal goals, she just wants to live in her cave and tunnels in peace and quiet.


Positive Kind / Caring / Nice

Neutral Shy / Quiet / Nervous

Negative Distant / Insecure / Scared

Vex is very shy and quiet. When she does speak, it’s always in a low gentle whisper-like voice. She gets nervous around others, afraid they will judge her for her appearance. For years she has experienced people being terrified of her look and running away in fear, making her feel insecure and more closed off. One reason she hangs out with the apprentices is because they don’t judge how she looks. She doesn’t have any personal goals, she just wants to live in her cave and tunnels in peace and quiet.


  • Vex's favorite food is french toast and cinnamon rolls.
  • Vex sings in the caves when she's alone.
  • She draws stories on the cave walls, leaving it for others to read.
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • French toast
  • Quiet
  • Yelling
  • Violence
  • People being scared of her


Even though he has a loud personality and energetic personality, the opposite of Vex. Vex hangs out with him because despite him being annoying, he’s respectful and nice to her and always makes sure she’s included.

Canyon is more distant and serious, but is still kind to Vex. They don’t really talk unless Hanakai forces them too. However, sometimes at night Canyon leaves food at the entrance to Vex’s cave to make her happy, meaning he cares how she feels.

She is absolutely scared of Sol and always keeps her distance away from him, and she has a reason to. He’s loud, energetic, and a literal arsonist.

Prince Peregrine
Peregrine is just as shy and nervous as her. They get along well because of this and usually find comfort in each other.


designer : @ Mistshadow

  • She has three flashlights impaled on her, one on her left side, one on her neck, one on her head, and one big flashlight on her tail.
  • She has very long scruffy, messy fur.
  • Eye's are inverted and glow. Paw and ears also glow.
  • Her tail is very long and glows, it has the biggest flashlight.
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code by Leporidactic | decors via fontmeme