


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Feng Mian, 风眠






The Spear and Bow


Accuracy, Agility, Speed, Intuition,


Cocky, Clumsy, Stubborn, Takes on too much responsibility and damage; he's a mite self-sacrificing,


His vanity, arrogance, and fabulous hair are all a result of his once belonging to a family of aristocrats. Enlai is a klutz but he pretends he isn't and expects others to do the same. Despite how talkative he is, En doesn't speak about his family or past and often changes the subject. He isn't shy about how wealthy he is/was, however, and has no qualms with spending money on frivolous things or just whatever he feels will be appreciated. Enlai loves heights and looking down on others, which is why he can often be found perching or lounging in trees, on roofs, or other precarious places. His clumsiness only affects him when he's outside of a combat setting. As soon as the battle's over, he'll fall out of a tree and nearly swallow an arrow. En has impeccable navigational skills and rarely if ever gets lost.


Enlai is optimistic, outgoing, and outspoken. He claims to be a 'wine connoisseur' and often acts the part by lazing around and drinking, rarely leaving whatever drinking house he managed to set up in. Enlai's lighthearted seeming inability to take things seriously can rub others the wrong way, as his optimism can border on insensitive with his insistence on 'appreciating the little things' even in dire situations or tragedies. Though he may not bother to sugarcoat or tailor his words to suit a specific person, he still strives to offer advice, encouragement, and cheer in whatever way he can. Enlai has a Take Charge attitude that occasionally steamrolls over others' opinions because he believes his way is the Best Way. When necessary, he reveals that he isn't as lackadaisical as he seems by accepting responsibility and acting in a more serious manner. He genuinely cares for others' wellbeing though he may be clumsy in showing it. En is arrogant and surprisingly ruthless when it comes to battle, even a little callous when it concerns the lives of those he doesn't particularly care about. His fondness for violence is just a bit disturbing. Just a bit. Enlai is fairly vain and attempts to maintain a 'presentable' appearance despite the fact that he's often found in trees. Or artful disarray as a result of his fondness for wine and debauchery.


Izuminokami Kanesada (Kimura Ryohei)