The Phantom Ray



11 months, 16 days ago

Basic Info


The Phantom Ray




??? [was 31 pre-corruption]



The Phantom Ray is a mysterious being...legend has it that he used to just be a normal, if very unlucky, stingray before he discovered an ancient artifact called the "Phanta Crystal" that granted him great power and immortality...but at the cost of corrupting him.

He terrorized the land many years ago, striking fear into those that opposed him...until a brave dolphin named Bartholomew Bottlenose managed to defeat him and seal him away within the crystal with the help of a magical pearl, never to do more harm least until a couple years down the line, Bartholomew's great great great grandson Barnaby released him, so now he's going to terrorize everyone all over again!

Personality wise, he's very cold and calculating, he gets a thrill in making others feel powerless due to having a past of feeling like a nobody before his transformation, always with that little smile. However, it's easy to get him to lose his composure when faced with a situation where he's not in control, which will make him snap and have a breakdown.

Still, there's also a side to him that is very lonely, awkward, and sometimes a little goofy with how he embraces his role as the cliche big scary villain wholeheartedly, as he's pretty much living his own personal power fantasy in this state.Ā 

āš« - His powers include levitation, shadow manipulation, telekinesis, and forming shadowy creatures to do his bidding, can also phase through solid matter like a ghost.

āš« - Despite his impressive abilities however, he is a bit physically weak due to the fact he's pretty much a corpse kept alive by the crystal, even if he can heal he is capable of suffering from any damage done to his body.

āš« - His stinger is always jutting out of his tail, he usually uses it to just threaten others but when things get dire, he WILL give someone a fatal sting [or a stab]. It's easy toĀ distinguishĀ the wound from other stings because of the wound beingĀ blackĀ and having vein-like formations around it.

āš« - Can't do things like eating or drinking anymore, not that he cares. He can kinda sleep when he feels like it though.

āš« - Bleeds black blood.

āš« - He calls Bottlenose "Bartholomew" since the corruption has kinda messed with his mind a bit and makes him confuse the two.

āš« - For all his sadism, he crosses the line at mindlessly killing others unless he feels like they deserve it, less out of mercy more so that it's pragmatic to kill only his enemies.

āš« - He's taken residence in Davey Jone's Cove, a small cove area near Scurvy Bay it's known for ships crashing there and having an ominous aura to it. He considers it his "lair" so to speak.