


8 months, 15 days ago


I.. I have to have a quote?






Voice Claim

Freminet (Genshin Impact)

Alfred is a pretty curious young wayne, finding himself gazing at all sorts of things around him. He often times travel alone to find all kinds of things he could find and mostly spends his time staring off into nothing by the afterlife. He'd also often times look at the sky, specifically the moon. "The moon.. it's broken yet.. it still shines." Alfred would also often times stay up a lot to read books about space, trying to know better about it.

When out with his parents' friends, he'd avoid Korssel by instinct. Alfred is terrified of them, for they are too hyper sometimes. Alfred can't keep up with their energy, and would often times feel tired when around Korssel the most. Darnell, on the other hand, is his favorite person. They both would often times just stay quiet and read whatever book they could find lying around and would still enjoy their time spent together. It's like having a big brother that shares the same interest and can get along with. Alfred also loves to be around Chyrhiin, she's also like a big sister to him. She'd often times look after Alfred during training, making sure he doesn't get caught in the crossfire when everyone else is too focused on battle.

Alfred hatched from his egg as a little waynelarva, quite weak but also squeaky. He'd spend his waynelarva days squeaking away and eating the sand nearby. Growing up, he was taught early on that he's pretty much one of a kind; his father is a wayne and the other a wreature. As he grew up, he was slowly introduced by Wayde, his father, to the rest of the gang. Korssel immediately found Alfred as a new member of their own family but seem to never understand that Alfred is afraid of Korssel from the very start. In Alfred's young teenage years, he focused on discovering himself. He found out that he doesn't really mind dating anyone and that he's pretty okay with being called anything else that's not so masculine; though still preferred to be called by something masculine.

  • Space, the moon.
  • Sweet iced tea.
  • Anything sweet actually-
  • Reading books.
  • Coffee.
  • Loud things.
  • Annoying people.
  • Rain.
Alfred's father/mother, the one who took care of him a lot when Norman is unable to. He mostly spends his time with him/her and would tell his problems to him/her the most.
Alfred spends his time play-fighting his dad, and even though he grew up realizing that his dad purposefully lost for him, he still look back to those memories with a soft smile on his face. He feels comfortable talking a few problems about himself to him, some that he's too ashamed to ask his father/mother.
Alfred sees Darnell more like a big brother more than a friend. He'd often visit to watch Darnell cook or bake a cake; the kitchen would slowly be filled with the sweet smell of food. They both would also often times just sit down and say nothing as they read away whatever books they had lying around.
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