- ★ Simon



8 months, 3 days ago



  •  Name  Simon Halloran 
  •  Nicknames  Simon, Resident Minor 
  •  Age  17 (IttS - Lab), 18 (TM -DSiSM) 
  •  Gender  Male 
  •  Pronouns  He/Him 
  •  MBTI  INFP-T 
  •  Sexuality  Heterosexual 
  •  Ethnicity  Japanese, French 
  •  Occupation  Freelancer guitarist, navy sailor 
  •  Residence  Los Angeles, CA (formerly); Honolulu, HI (formerly) 

Simon Halloran or just Simon is the main protagonist of Hawaii Part II.

Throughout the album we hear more about what happed with him while he was on Hawaii.



  • Electric guitar (especially his)
  • Stella
  • Music
  • Hawaii
  • The ocean


  • His family (excluding his mother)
  • His ex-girlfriend
  • Death
  • Getting blamed for murder
  • Electro Shock Therapy


  • Playing his guitar
  • Picking/growing flowers
  • Sailing
  • Getting framed for murder
  • Dancing


  • Hair color is separated into blond and brown
  • Strange white bandage on his right cheek
  • Dusty blue eyes
  • Fluctuating voice
  • Trips while walking (especially hiking)


  • Gets anxious easily
  • Surprise mental breakdowns
  • Self isolation
  • Distracted easily
  • Quickly loses sense of direction


  • Sail long distances
  • Play guitar and ukulele
  • Dance
  • speaks Japanese, English, French
  • Dances


  •  Hair  Short; half blonde, half brown 
  •  Eyes  Dusty ocean blue 
  •  Skin  White 
  •  Marks  White bandaid look on left cheek 
  •  Height  5' 4" 
  •  Weight  189 lbs 
  •  Body  Skinny 
  •  Clothing  Sailor, white button up shirt, red ascot, blown overalls, black shoes 

Pellentesque ac convallis ligula. Integer tincidunt justo eget hendrerit molestie. Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et. Donec suscipit neque id nulla blandit tincidunt. Nunc mattis, est ac placerat condimentum, nisl sem iaculis sem, et varius quam odio sit amet velit.

Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et.


He was born in 1932,during the great depression, his family went to Hawaii to visit their family during the Great Depression (a time of finacial disater.) (How fucking dumb do you have to be to travel to a state that is 2,560.01 mi (4,119.94 km) away.) His family met Stella's family while trying to find job opportunities. They were able to make a living for a bit until they were taken to Tule Lake CA, where they were to be there until 1945.

After leaving said internment camps he went home to L.A. (Los Angeles). However this did not improve his living situation especially with his father and his ex-girlfriend.

After being accused of murdering Stella Simon tries to find a way to get out of the mess he was in, so he pleaded insanity to get a lighterv sentence and not heading to prison. But he ended up with more that what he bargained for he ened up in a mental facility in whiich he is treated with Electroconvulsive Therapy (aka electro shock therapy).

After getting stranded in the ocean and losing all sense of direction he ends up in sea abandoned, he sings all of the lyrics of 'Dream Sweet In Sea Major'; while singing he is confued with a siren who sounds like Stella in which he drowned by said siren. After dying he is met up with Stella in heaven in which he states "Bye, Hi Sigh Hawaii" after the end of "Sweet Dream In Sea Major" and the album.


  • He was given a music box by Stella before he left Hawaii by force from the US goverment to make him remenber all the fun they both had together before going to internment camps.
  • He got his electice guitar with his life savings that are unknown by his family. That and the music box were the only things he brought from California to Hawaii.
  • He is japanese French (Japanese by his mother, French by his father).
  • He doesn't like eggs.
  • In 1947 he worked as a U.S. Navy sailor to go to Hawaii.
  •  Relationship  type 

In viverra diam metus, eu posuere odio sagittis vel. Quisque aliquam ultricies ligula at maximus. Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida.

  •  Relationship  type 

Maecenas quam neque, tempor et semper sed, mattis sed mauris. Aliquam dictum efficitur nunc id convallis. In gravida ipsum id maximus consequat. Curabitur sed nisl ut libero condimentum fringilla.

  •  Relationship  type 

Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui. Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. Donec ultrices dolor nec est elementum, consectetur vulputate lectus auctor.