Mina Trifoli



8 months, 21 days ago


Mina Trifoli

Counterfeit Reality’s most evasive protagonist. Her anomalous existence only leaves an already foggy incident with even more questions.

  • Name Mina Trifoli
  • Nickname Minnow / Pescecita (By Kat), Mini (By Vincent & Jamie
  • Age 15
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She / Her
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Ethnicity Caucasian (Scottish)
  • Occupation Student / Part-time at local library
  • Residence Renfrew, Scotland, UK
  • Alignment Neutral Good
  • Positive Traits Independent, responsible, organized, sensible, active contributor to conversation, goal-oriented, not afraid to speak her mind.
  • Negative Traits Overly-stubborn, a little bit cynical after cr, blunt to a fault, tunnel-visioned.
  • Outlook Wonders what game life is playing, granting her a wonderful friend group just before turning everything she knows on its head.
  • Belief Ideals for a rational world where feelings are not disregarded, but the head takes priority.
  • Strengths Intelligent, emotionally mature, polite/professional, calm
  • Weaknesses Sheltered, naive (to a degree), will explode if a nerve is struck, disbelieving
"This all lines up just a bit too well for my taste. It's one of them, isn't it?"

Prior to the DRC Experiment, she was more reserved, though agreeable and polite to others. At default, she was calm and collected, with logic prevailing over emotion with nearly every problem in her life. Though, it didn’t take much to agitate her, and there was always the chance of her anger exploding on another person. When she met her friend group, she still carried most of these same personality traits with her, but she grew a lot more outgoing and happy.

Directly after the incident, her personality shifted wildly. Her reserved nature worsened tenfold, she became largely unreactive, and her speech was almost monotone. These initial changes lessened in intensity over time, but they were replaced with her becoming more distracted. She was still significantly less happy than she was before, but her focus and demeanor seemed to shift from a foggy quietness to alert but sidetracked. She still makes time for her friends and the people she cares about, but something about her is still so far away now.

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Board Games (Monopoly Railroad Master)
  • Sunflowers
  • Dancing casually, she likes learning with a partner.
  • Cats! Specifically her cat, Viscountess Marmalade the Second.
  • Pendants! She finds them very pretty and tries to match one with each outfit.


  • Overly-carefree people can get on her nerves.
  • Bright / Blinding lights
  • Most tech stuff can be confusing to her, she also gets suspicious of bigger, more complicated devices and the possibility of them being misused.
  • Although she likes her alone time, staying that way for too long can upset her.


  • Reading - Her favorite genre is dystopian
  • Spending time with her friend group
  • Record collecting
  • Plant care?? She takes care of a few succulents, that’s it.


  • Skilled at investigating
  • Fluent in ASL, learning BSL
  • As she ages, her intuition improves
  • Excellent Memory / Ability to ‘connect the dots’
  • Hair Color White, gradually fades into light brown ends.
  • Eye Color Light Blue
  • Skin Color Pale
  • Height 5'4" / 162.56 cm
  • Clothing Style Casual / Victorian

She has albinism, and this affects the pigmentation of her skin, eyes, and hair, which is why each respective feature is so lightly colored. In terms of clothing, she typically wears a white button-up with a brown argyle-style sweater with black leggings or a short-sleeved black shirt with a brown overcoat, a flower-like pendant, and shorts. Other protective features like an umbrella or hat could be added optionally, but they are not something that I frequently include in most art pieces.

Design Notes

  • Outfit changes are acceptable, though all should follow the same "theme".
  • Though I have not drawn her with any dots are freckles, she is more susceptible to getting them over time, so they are perfectly acceptable to add.
  • Alternatively, she may be drawn with blue "robotic" undertones as featured in some of the art.
Reference sheet


Mina’s childhood is largely uneventful. She got along well with her parents, however, being homeschooled and having no real alternative for forming relationships outside of her family left her with sub-par social skills. This was not as big of an issue in her childhood, as there were no other children to compare to, but it would prove to be a problem as she reached her adolescent years. Her having no siblings did not help with the problem either. She wasn’t lonely, at least she didn’t consider herself to be, as she was happy as long as she was playing with her parents in the room. When she was very young, she did wish that somebody her age was around that she could share her interests with, but since her interests soon conformed to match her parents’, that wasn’t a problem for long. She also grew up in an old-fashioned environment, which is where her unfamiliarity with most technology comes from.

Early-mid teen years is when her life started turning around, that being when started making attempts to come out of her shell and be more social. As a start, she applied for a part-time job at the front desk of the local library, sometimes chatting with passersby, though none of them stuck around long enough for them to really be considered “friends”. It happened enough to where she did not expect much of anybody who came by, even the ones who seemed like they wanted to be friends. However, her mindset turned around once one person seemed to stick around longer than the rest. She met Victor when he fell asleep at one of the tables and she had to gently shake him awake, with him profusely apologizing and running out. Since then, he kept coming back, even at one point introducing her to his friend group. She has continued to stick with this friend group, becoming more open with them and noticeably happier.

Soon after she turned 15, she came across a flier that was advertising a ‘Dream Reception Control’ Study that was taking place in Somerset, England. She went to the designated sign-up website to look for more information, and learned that it was about a device designed to manipulate the dreams of those connected to it, with the goal of helping those with recurring nightmares (mainly people with PTSD or some form of revived trauma) but it needed volunteers to test it out. She ignored it at first, not ever thinking that she would get in, plus she did not trust the device, but her curiosity was relentless. The more she thought about it, the more the benefits became clear to her. She would be compensated, this was a chance to increase her familiarity with new and advanced tech, and it was overall for a good cause. She applied, not expecting much, but to her surprise, she received an acceptance letter in the mail a month later. She set up everything she needed to to go, but her plans were cut short by the appearance of two new individuals, with one of them being a fellow accepted participant. They informed her that there was something shifty about the experiment, and they talked to her about participating through ‘alternative means’ without facing the dangers of going in-person. She was hesitant, not knowing who these people were or why she should trust them, but they accepted her not complying immediately and stayed in contact, introducing themselves formally and backing up their suspicions. Vincent and Jamie, as she would learn, were suspicious of one of the scientists working on the project and thus were wary about the true intentions of the program. Though, once the time had come for the plan to be put into action, nothing seemed amiss at first. During the fourth test, however, a malfunction in the device caused a fellow participant, Barry, to be sucked into a ‘glitch’ in the simulated world and rendered unconscious in real life. It was revealed that a few days later, he was killed from these complications and everybody else was sent home. Mina was mortified that not only were her friend’s suspicions true, but they were much worse than she could have imagined.

Present Day

In the current day, Mina is clearly highly affected by what she experienced during the DRC Experiment, with the ‘suspicious scientist’ still being at large not doing anything to calm her nerves either. Vincent and Jamie sent her home, never meaning for things to go this far and feeling guilty that she had to be involved with something so horrible. Even though she has faced mental detriments from the experience, a part of her isn’t as willing to let go of what happened. Not only does it still haunt her mind, but she also feels that with what she knows now, she’s gone too far to turn back. This experiment hid its intentions all too easily, and even though the outcome wasn’t as discrete, what if there were others like it that did a better job? How many more traps lie out there in the world? If she’s right about this, then she now knows a bit more about what to look for in these schemes, and by extension, how to dismantle them from the inside. All she needs to do now is get back in contact with the two who introduced her to the possibility in the first place.


Victor Boyfriend

Mina absolutely adores Victor, whether he is acting over-the-top or having a calm discussion with her, she treasures every moment spent with him. She also has him to thank for introducing her to her current friend group. She simply loves having somebody to connect to who understands her whereas someone like that didn’t exist before.


Rinaki Best Friend

Rinaki is one of Mina’s best friends, and even though they met through the DRCE, Rinaki has helped a lot with the recovery process. Both of them are struggling, but they have remained friends and have continued to support each other. They both check up on each other daily and will sometimes have a nice long talk if needed. Time Zones make communication difficult sometimes, but they always set aside time or find a nice equilibrium to do something together. Although, Mina hasn’t been keeping up as much with these daily chats recently, which worries Rinaki.


Vincent Friend

Vincent is the main person that Mina works with during investigations. To ensure each other’s safety, they stick close at all times and never split up unless to advance exploration or investigation. As a result, they’ve gotten to know each other better and how to utilize their complimenting traits during work.


Jamie Friend

Mina relies on Jamie a lot, and even though they do not have the same kind of physical presence in investigations as she does, she knows they have the most information and are a crucial part of making the group’s plans come to fruition. Outside of their work, Jamie is casual and friendly enough with the right amount of bickering that she sees them as an older sibling of sorts.


Abi Friends / Rivals

Abi is part of Mina’s friend group and thus is one of Mina’s friends buuuuut… they are complete opposites in personality. Unstoppable force vs. immovable object. Abi encourages the group to do a lot of reckless or even illegal things, with Mina being highly contrary to these ideas. This causes arguments between the two.