


7 months, 26 days ago


  • Name Estrid Sprout
  • Pronouns She/They
  • Species Canine
  • MBTI Type INFP
  • Occupation Painter
  • Estrid
  • 24
  • She/They

"In the canvas of life, nature's palette whispers timeless secrets"

Estrid always wanted to follow her dreams. She was undaunted by her family's disapproval in her pursuit of the arts and ran away from home to become a painter. What she hadn't realized was that this life would be harsh and unforgiving, and while trying to make it in the big city she had to put aside her ideals just to get by. After working several low-paying, dead-end jobs, Estrid had finally had enough. She worked 2 jobs by day, and the little time she had besides she spent painting and trying to hone her craft. She finally earned enough to break away from the city and escape into the countryside. She found a family willing to take her in in exchange for helping to care for their farm, and there she began focusing even more on her painting. The family that she stayed with encouraged her to follow her passion, but even so she was having trouble finding inspiration. Something about her paintings just fell flat and she wasn't happy with what she was doing in her life. She began taking long adventures into the wilderness, soaking in all the splendors that nature had to offer. A few months into this, she came across a nest that had fallen out of a tree. When she investigated it, she found a tiny, cold baby bird curled up in the wet twigs.

Estrid took the baby bird home and cared for it around the clock. The tiny creature need a lot of care, and between her care for the bird and her farm chores, she no longer had time for painting. Her and the bird quickly became very close. When the next spring finally came, Estrid took the bird out and set it free, and though she was very saddened by the loss of her new friend, she hoped it would return and see her again some day. To cope with it all, she once again picked up the brush. Her first new painting was a beautiful portrait of the bird. The painting was full of the feeling of the wild, and how domesticity fell away in the face of nature. Finally she felt as if she knew what she was doing with her life. She continued to spend her time not only painting, but rescuing wildlife and nursing it back to health. In a few years, she had saved enough money from the sale of her paintings to open a rescue where she could take in animals of all types.


  • Sunny Days
  • Painting
  • Lemonade
  • Birdsong


  • Cities
  • Authority
  • Cooking
  • Rainstorms