


5 years, 10 months ago




Elegant Cautious Faint-Hearted

"I'm on the hunt for who I've not become yet"

Name: Oberon
Called: Oberon, Ron, Obie
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Race: Lions of the Cosmos
Height: 12 Ft
Build: Ectomorph
Alignment: Lawful Good


Oberon was born as a nomadic lion, hidden away by his parents for his whole childhood. He was never given the chance to live life l

Nobel - Soft Spoken - Open minded - Elegant 

Because of Oberon's upbringing

Overly Cautious

Because of Oberon's upbringing and being sheltered away from the world he was never given the chance to learn about the real world around him and the danger that lurks about. With the boundaries that his parents put on him, Oberon lived his life the best he could.

Resentful - Dependent - Faint-Heartedness - Anxious

Because of Oberon's upbringing and being sheltered away from the world he was never given the chance to learn about the real world around him and the danger that lurks about. With the boundaries that his parents put on him, Oberon lived his life the best he could. He was never given the chance to interact with other cubs his age or other lions really. The only ones he can remember are a small pawful of the healers that his parents hired to try to fix him. Oberon looks back at those days and at his parents with a feeling of resentfulness towards them. They had successfully stripped the young cub of a real childhood and early happiness in his life. His cubhood is the only time he will look back on his life with distaste and well anger. This has also raised Oberon to be rather dependent. He doesn't want to be stuck in a world that he relies heavily on other lions for everyday tasks. Now, this doesn't mean that he won't depend on someone else to help or the help of his mate to finish/complete tasks and chores. He just rather not be suck as a cub again needing his parents to control his every move and pretty much thought. One of his biggest flaws is his lack of courage. Now, this does not mean that he is spineless, but when he comes to the cracks on his body he doesn't want to put his neck out there. For some circumstances, he will do what he can to defend and protect someone like Nox or a close friend. Most of the time he does what he can to avoid battle and hurting himself. Because of that constant fear of the cracks on his body getting bigger Oberon tends to be a little wound up and anxious. To him, it's just a tiny voice in the back of his head that keeps reminding him about the cracks and the fact that the reason for the cracks is still unknown. He doesn't like to make his anxiety known so he hides it away from the public eye. The one lion that can always relax Oberon without a doubt is Nox. He loves being around her and she is just a calming person to him.


  • Fresh Rain & Snow
  • Respect for one's self
  • Nox
  • content
  • content


  • Rowdiness
  • Snoring
  • Falling short of expectations
  • Getting Lost
  • Body Odour/lack of body care


Psychic + Galactic Plasma


Touch - The ability to touch another and see glimpses of their future. Visions can range from being very clear to clouded and are directly linked to the power of the psychic lion performing this. Takes a large amount of energy and concentration. This is the element that Oberon used during his time as a nomad. He would often offer up his services for food or other interesting trinkets and items. On the rare occasion, Ron would also ask for tokens if he didn't trust the lion he was glimpsing into the future for or if he didn't like them. 

 Seek - The power to predict the location of a lion that the user is close to. This ability isn't always accurate and takes a lot of drain and concentration to perform but can be successful and good for locating lost lions. This is another thing that takes a great deal of time and energy to complete, its also something he doesn't like to do because he believes in privacy and the fact that if a lion wanted to be alone they should be left that way. But from time to time he will do it when asked. The only payment he will take for locating a loved one is Tokens and some metal work. 

Clouded - The power to confuse and manipulate the mind and the judgement of others. Takes a large amount of energy and concentration to maintain the confusion.

Galactic Plasma





Oberon grew up with his mother and father just outside of the pride lands. They lived within a small group of other nomads. He enjoyed his time with this group as he always had a friend and something to do when he was bored. He was pulled away from the group by his parents when the crack started to form and show. In a panicked manner and out of sear worry they took young Oberon away and kept him hidden for the rest of his childhood. His parents began to worry that something was happening to their cub, they had brought in healer after healer in hopes that they would be able to do something about the cracks. But everything they tried never worked. So as he grew the cracks slowly got bigger and bigger until small pieces began to fall from his body. 

Other than the healer lions Oberon lived a very sheltered childhood once his parents took him away and hid him. He no longer had access to his friends or the ability to make new friends. This didn't bother him all that much, he still enjoyed spending all this time with this mom and dad. Oberon grew to be rather close to his parents during this time. Because a healer never stayed long enough her never got the chance to befriend them. Although he did enjoy the change he got to meet all these new lions. Even if they wouldn't be sticking around long. 

As time went by and Oberon began to age he started to grow curious about the outside world. After living away from other lions he wanted to know and experience more. He was started to become reckless. He stayed with his parents until he was fully aged and grown, and left sometime around the age of 150. when he was on his own for the first time he was very much lost, and very naive to the world around him. There were things going on and sometimes he just didn't know any better. 

Oberon spent years on his own, soon learning about the real world and how everything works. He still kept himself hidden from most other lions and never strayed far from his den. He was still never really able to make or form any kind of friendship or relationship with other lions his age. Socially he had the skills of an adolescent lion. Over time he began to understand his element as well, learning about the things he could do with it. He even managed to have a few lions come to him and ask for his insight. The more he worked on his other the years the more he began to be known for his abilities and the more he was used by others for their own greed and personal reasons. 

Oberon stood there panting and struggling to keep his eyes open. He knew he pushed his elemental abilities to far and he needed to get back to his den to rest before he collapsed in the middle of the unknown lands. He managed to get in a few more steps before his body gave in and fell to the ground. He tried to stand back up but his body refused to listen to him. After a few more attempts, all failing, he let his head fall to the ground. It didn't take long before his eyes began to grow heavy with exhaustion. Oberon knew hew as in a bad place for him to go under but he had no other choice, his body was shutting down and was left with no control. With one final push to stay away he finally felt his mind give in and he drifted off into a world of darkness. 

When Oberon felt himself waking up he had this sinking feeling that something was very wrong. He was almost to worried to open his eyes. He stayed there using only his ear to listen to everything around him. Hearing nothing he finally opened his eyes, blinking rapidly with the bright light flooding his sight. When he was finally able to see again the first thing he noticed was the fact he was not where he fell




[ Mate ] His Fairy Queen.
They be cute af.



[ Friend ]
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[ relationship ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.

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